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Chapter 4881

“You agreed?!” Jack was surprised and excited when he heard his son-in-law’s answer.

Although he said that Lord Evans was an old feudalist, he was actually told by Lord Evans for a longtime.

He knows that the old feudalism should be criticized to some extent, but he also agrees with the logicof Lord Evans, that is, the surname needs to be inherited.

Whether it is a man or a woman, as long as there are descendants of the surname then this line willsurely be passed down.

However, once there is a break in the middle, this vein will completely withdraw from the stage ofhistory within a few decades.

Therefore, if the son-in-law promised to give his daughter’s child the surname Lee, then his family’ssurname could continue to be passed down. Because of this, he was very excited when he heard thathis son-in-law had agreed.

However, he didn’t expect that his son-in-law, a talented man who had always regarded himself veryhighly would be so easily persuaded by Desmond.

The son-in-law also seemed a little ashamed at this time.

He explained embarrassingly, “Dad, it’s not that I have no prospects… It’s just that the conditionsoffered by the Evans Family were too tempting… Even if I work hard all my life, I can’t leave it to futuregenerations.

It is so much money…”

The son-in-law at this time was just eager to give himself the reason for compromising with money. Buthe didn’t realize that his compromise was the result Jack was most looking forward to.

However, in order to wash away his shame on his dignity, he continued to explain, “Dad, what UncleEvans said is almost the same as what you said just now…”

“What he means is, first take 100 million US dollars as a trust, and the trust is operated by EvansFamily’s trust company, and because Evans Family’s trust company is backed by the resources of theentire Evans Family, their income is much stronger than that of most trust companies on the market.

So at least about 8% a year yield, as long as I fulfill my promise, after 18 years, this trust can beconditionally lifted!”

After speaking, the son-in-law continued with a little bit of excitement, “Dad, I probably used a quickcalculation in my heart.

If under the condition that an 8% rate of return can be guaranteed every year, and calculated accordingto compound interest, then after 18 years, the child will become an adult and the money will bechanged from 100 million US dollars to a full 400 million US dollars!”

Speaking of this, the son-in-law is even more emotional and excited, he couldn’t hold back hisemotions, and blurted out, “Dad, Mom, Paula! What is the concept of 400 million US dollars! Even if wedon’t move the 400 million US dollars principal, we will continue to calculate it according to the 8% rateof return every year.

Then the annual interest is 32 million dollars! 32 million dollars! And there are so many every year!”

“No matter how serious inflation is in the future, 32 million US dollars will definitely be enough for afamily’s daily expenses for a year! At that time, we can give our children the best living standard, the

top educational resources, let them become the top group of people in society! This is a step-by-stepclass leap!”

“Also, in addition to our annual interest income of 32 million US dollars, this principle of 100 million USdollars is immovable.

In this case, as long as the Evans Family Trust Company that we rely on does not go bankrupt, we cancontinue at an interest rate of 8%! But what if the trust company goes bankrupt?”novelbin

“The law has long stipulated that the trust company’s own assets, and the client’s trust property iscompletely separated.

Even if he goes bankrupt, it is impossible to liquidate our money during liquidation! We only need tochange a trust company, just transfer the rights.

In other words, as long as the United States is still there, our money will always be there! This is theeternal preservation of assets and the eternal prosperity of the family!”

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