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Chapter 4151

Brooklyn was once the most famous ghetto in New York.

Although the environment has improved, relatively speaking, it is still the most chaotic and the worstdistrict in New York in terms of security.

Especially North Brooklyn, dominated by not generally well off communities, this is why it is simply thebest and largest source of manpower for the major gangs in the megapolis.

Many young people here, at the age of twelve or thirteen years old, are carrying a gun everywhere andare considered to start serving in the gang reserve.

When it comes to 14 or 15 years old, they have been eating, drinking, gambling, involved in vandalismand looting.

In this kind of place with extremely poor security, in the street, if you randomly pick ten young men, youcould find eleven guns.

Usually not to mention ordinary people, even the police do not dare to patrol this kind of place.

The first contact from Hattori was here following the order from Charlie.

Roger saw the message and said in a panic “Dad, someone sent me a text message saying that, if Iwant to know the whereabouts of Patrick, I have to go to Brooklyn!”

Floyd slapped the table and said angrily, “Come on! Have someone prepare immediately! Also hurry upand give the cell phone number to the intelligence department and have them monitor the location ofthis phone immediately!”

Roger was slightly stunned and asked, “Dad, I’ll go?”

“Nonsense!” Floyd blurted out, “If you don’t go, would I go?”

Roger said somewhat nervously, “The location is not safe, and I worry that this is a trap…”

Floyd waved his hand and said, “There is nothing to worry about, you just go, let the martial artists gowith you.

In addition, take two teams of bodyguards to secretly protect your safety.

In this case, even the special forces can not kidnap you away!”

Seeing his father’s insistent attitude, Roger had to nod and say, “Then I’ll ask him for the exactaddress.”

He sent his cell phone number to the intelligence team of the Joules family, while picking up his phone,replying to the message and asking, “Where do I have to meet you?”

After sending it, the message sank like a stone in the deep sea.

The intelligence team also fed back the message that the cell phone number was now in shutdownmode and could not be located.

When Roger saw this, he knew that the other party was a pro and his heart was even moreapprehensive.novelbin

“The other side can kidnap Patrick, so he is definitely not ordinary.”

“Probably already secretly watching us, you just go to Brooklyn.

I believe that when you get to Brooklyn, he will contact you.”

Roger did not dare to refuse and could only agree with a stiff upper lip.

He was anxious about his son’s kidnapping, but he hoped to use the money to solve the problem.

Or just use the Joules family’s people to solve the problem and was not willing to put his own life atrisk.

But right now he had no other choice but to follow his father’s instructions, arrange the manpower andprepare to go.

Soon, three convoys left the Joules family’s estate one after another.

They had two tasks first, to secretly protect Roger’s convoy and second, to wait for information from theintelligence team, so that once the other party’s cell phone was turned on and their location was found,they would immediately take control of them.

Roger himself did not sit in the Rolls Royce, but in the middle of the three Cadillacs.

In his opinion, if the other party is trying to get at him this time, then he will definitely mistake him in themiddle of that Rolls-Royce, so that if something happens, Rolls Royce can attract fire, and his safetyfactor is naturally a bit higher.

But even so, when the vehicle drove into Brooklyn, as for Roger, his heart could not help but get filledwith a burst of tension.

There is a law that is as universal as gravity, that is, the richer the person, the more afraid of death theyare.

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