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Chapter 3967

Although Charlie is not from Aurous Hill, he has long regarded Aurous Hill as his second hometown.

He has lived in Aurous Hill for nearly 20 years, and now that he has some abilities, he really wants todo something for Aurous Hill.

Especially for the orphans in Aurous Hill and surrounding cities.

This complex of a welfare home and a twelve year school is a dream that Charlie wants to work hard torealize.

In fact, he often thinks back to his life in the orphanage and his friends in the orphanage.

He often thinks of his former self, his younger sisters, his good brothers, and even those who wentastray and were personally cut off by himself.

Before Stephen Thompson found himself, everyone had nothing to do.

Among them, the biggest reason is that everyone has not had a very good higher education.

Of course, it’s not the Welfare Institute or Stephen Thompson.

After all, it’s amazing that the orphanage itself can provide these children with shelter from the windand rain and keep them fed and clothed.

There is no orphanage that still manages these children to go to college when they are adults.

Although Stephen Thompson has the ability to manage, he does not dare to make the conditions of theorphanage too outrageous for the normal operation of the orphanage.novelbin

Moreover, in those days, most of the welfare institutions had some difficult conditions because of thefunds.

It is precisely because of this that although Charlie’s studies in junior high and high school were verygood, after graduating from high school, in order to make the other brothers and sisters in the welfarehome have a better life, he went to work early in the society.

At that time, although Stephen Thompson regretted it, he also felt that for Charlie, the advantagesoutweigh the disadvantages.

Because compared to a Charlie who works at a construction site and a Charlie who is studying in auniversity, the latter must have a greater chance of being exposed.

At this level of consideration, Stephen Thompson did not interfere with Charlie’s decision.

Now, Charlie doesn’t have the worries of Stephen Thompson back then, so he planned to build such autopian welfare home, not only to give these children a good basic education and the opportunity toreceive higher education, but also to let these children have a good foundation.

Help children learn how to be grateful and contribute to the development of the city in the future.

Jasmine probably understood Charlie’s thoughts, so she said, “Don’t worry, Master Wade, I willdefinitely communicate with the city as soon as possible to see if the city can help solve the problem oflocation selection and related qualifications.

Charlie nodded and instructed, “The place can be a little more remote, but the area must be large.

What we need to solve is the complex of life, study, daily leisure and art and sports activities for morethan 10,000 children.

In addition, it must be able to solve the accommodation and living problems of the relevant faculty andstaff, and its scale must be at least as large as a university with a level of 10,000 people, and it may

even be larger.”

Jasmine hurriedly said, “Master Wade, don’t worry, I will discuss this matter with the city in detail.

If you do such a big good deed, the city will definitely support you.”

Charlie sighed, “I hope that through our Rejuvenating pill auction, the entire international popularity andeconomic development of Aurous Hill will be raised to a higher level, and when Doris Young hasfinalized those high end projects, we will call these rich people to Aurous Hill again, and let them dotheir best to invest in Aurous Hill, and by then, it will definitely become a new international favorite!”

Jasmine smiled and said, “When the popularity of Rejuvenating pill continues to spread, I am afraid thatthe world’s richest people will come to Aurous Hill to invest…”

Charlie said confidently, “Don’t worry, this day will come soon.”

Jasmine nodded, suddenly remembered something, and asked Charlie, “Master Wade, who do youplan to hand over to run this welfare home? After we build everything up, will we hand it over to the cityto run it, or do you set up an operating team yourself?”

Charlie hesitated for a moment, then said, “I personally tend to let an aunt from the orphanage be incharge.

She was the one who took care of us when I was young.

A highly educated person, from what I know about her, she should be up to the job.”

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