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Chapter 3928

At this time, Ferdie Joules was indeed on the verge of dying, and only the last faint breath was left.

Seeing that Michaela and Orion Exeor were pleading with their faces, Charlie didn’t say anything more,and took out half of the Life-Saving pill that he had prepared long ago from his pocket.

The moment he took out half of the Life-Saving pill, Michaela burst into tears with excitement.

The medicinal pills basically looked the same, and she thought that what Charlie took out was theRejuvenating pill that her grandfather had been thinking about.

Recalling the miraculous effect of the Rejuvenating pill just now, I am afraid that it only takes a quarterof a pill to save her grandfather.

If he took half of it, it would probably extend his lifespan by at least six or seven years, or even tenyears.

However, just when she was so excited that she didn’t even know how to thank Charlie, Charlie saidlightly, “Miss Joules, I want to make it clear first, this is not a Rejuvenating pill.”

Michaela was stunned for a moment, “It’s not a Rejuvenating pill… Mr. Wade… Then…what kind ofmedicine is this?”

Charlie said indifferently, “This is a Life-Saving pill, its efficacy is much worse than that of Rejuvenatingpill, but half a pill is enough to save your grandfather, and by the way, save his life for another year ortwo.”

Hearing this, Michaela breathed a sigh of relief.

Now, how can she dare to ask her grandfather to increase her longevity by ten years, as long as shecan overcome this hurdle, she is already lucky.

So, she knelt on the ground to kowtow to Charlie, and said gratefully, “Thank you, Mr. Wade for savingmy grandpa’s life! Thank you, Mr. Wade! In the future, I will repay your kindness and great virtue bybeing a cow and a horse… ”

Charlie waved his hand, and said indifferently in his words, “I don’t need you to be a cow and a horseto repay me.

As for this half Life-Saving pill, on the one hand, I don’t want to owe you any favors, on the other hand,I also see your filial piety, after your grandfather takes his half pill, you and I owe nothing to each other.”novelbin

Michaela was nervous and wanted to explain something, but seeing that her grandfather’s breathseemed to be getting weaker and weaker, she could only say respectfully, “Thank you, Mr. Wade!Thank you!”

After that, she quickly got up and came to Ferdie Joules’ side, and fed the half Life-Saving pill into hismouth.

After a while, Ferdie Joules, who had almost lost his breath, finally slowly opened his eyes.

However, after saving his life, only a small amount of the effect of the half Life-Saving pill remained,and it could only improve his body a little, so Ferdie Joules was still very weak at this time, but hiscondition is not life-threatening anymore.

The moment he opened his eyes and saw Michaela, the old man cried weakly, “Michaela…”

After speaking, he immediately burst into tears.

For him, this life has been winning, undefeated.

Unexpectedly, in his 90s, he would be defeated by his son, and the defeat would be a complete mess.

In addition to his grief, when he saw that Orion Exeor was there, he felt even more ashamed, and said,“Brother Orion, I’m letting you see a joke today…”

Orion Exeor shook his head and said seriously, “Ferdie, don’t think about anything right now, takinggood care of your body is the most important thing.

If you keep the green hills, you won’t be afraid of running out of firewood! If you want to take back whatbelongs to you, you must take care of yourself first!”

Ferdie Joules laughed miserably, shook his head and sighed, “Brother, I’m afraid that my life is notlong, what else can I use to take back what belongs to me, that villain has already controlled thesituation in the United States, I am now a lonely old man who is poor and white, and is about to die,what can I do to fight him…”

Michaela said quickly, “Grandpa, just now Mr. Wade gave you half a Life-Saving pill to save your life.

Not only will your life not be in danger, but your lifespan will last at least one to two years!”

Hearing this, Ferdie Joules looked at Charlie next to Michaela with excitement, and murmured, “This…this is Mr. Wade?”

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