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Chapter 3828

In contrast, Orion Exeor’s treatment is much better.

As a VIP, he was directly arranged into the administrative luxury suite of the administrative building,which is also the second only to the presidential suite of Shangri-La Hotel, and it is free of charge.

Ferdie Joules checked in and the first thing he did after coming to the room was to call Michaela Joulesimmediately.

As soon as the phone was connected, Michaela asked at the other end of the phone, “Grandpa, haveyou checked in yet?”

Ferdie Joules said, “It’s done.

You guessed it right.

They really arranged all the bidders in the Shangri-La Hotel.

I think this is definitely the venue for the auction.”

Michaela said, “Grandpa, I’m in a special situation now.

I won’t meet you these two days, but I will continue to find a way to mediate with everyone forRejuvenating Pill outside.”

Ferdie Joules quickly asked, “How’s it going now?”

Michaela said truthfully, “I dare not say that I am absolutely sure, but at least there has been a certainbreakthrough.

The other party wants to invite me to dinner after the auction.

If you can’t get Rejuvenating Pill at the auction, I’ll take you to see him then.”

“Okay.” Ferdie Joules was relieved and sighed, “Michaela, you really worked hard this time! You havebeen running around for such a long time.”

Michaela hurriedly said, “Grandpa, this is what I should do.”

Ferdie Joules sighed and said, “I hope we can successfully get the Rejuvenating Pill in this auction, sothat when the auction is over, you can go back to New York with me.”

Michaela smiled and said, “Grandpa, I’m sure you will win.”


Just as a large number of top rich people kept on arriving in Shangri-La Hotel, Charlie was pulled byClaire to the most prosperous shopping mall in Aurous Hill.

Since she received an invitation from the Master Class of Rhode Island School of Design, she alwaysfelt that she owed Kelly West a great favor.

Today, it happened that there was not much to do with the company, so Claire took Charlie to the streettogether, intending to pick a gift for Kelly West.

Charlie asked, “Wife, have you ever thought about what to give her?”

Claire nodded repeatedly and said, “I have already decided to give her a Hermes handbag.

I have seen her interview before.

It is said that she likes Hermes very much, and she also has the hobby of collecting Hermes bags.

In this case, I might as well fall in favor of her.

Giving her one can also show my sincerity.”

Charlie smiled and said, “In this case, I will choose a more expensive bag when I get to the store at thatmoment.

As for the money problem, you don’t have to worry at all.

Your husband still has a lot here.”

Claire hurriedly said, “I also saved a lot of savings recently.

Let me do this matter by myself, otherwise, I will feel sorry.”

Charlie didn’t insist too much.

He smiled and said, “Then you should do what you can and don’t buy too expensive gifts.”

Claire smiled sweetly and said, “I have been optimistic on the official website.

There is a bag called the Bokin series.

Now the sales volume is the best, but the price is not too expensive.

If you don’t choose very scarce materials and workmanship, it will be in the low 100,000 dollars.”

Charlie nodded slightly and said, “The bag at this price is already good.”

Then, the two came to the door of Hermes’ store.

At this time, there was a long line of dozens of people outside the store.

According to the staff outside the door, this is because there are too many customers in the store, andtheir store is a one-on-one sales service.

Now all sales are carrying customers, so the store begins to limit the flow.

In order to queue up to enter the store, the two waited outside the door for half an hour.

Half an hour later, the security guard outside the door said to Charlie and Claire, who were in line at theforefront, “Please, our shopping guide will serve you immediately.”

As he was talking, a young man with a warm smile quickly came towards the two of them.

As soon as they met, the man introduced himself, “Good noon, my name is Vince.

I’m the shopping guide of the two.

I don’t know what you two want to see?”

Claire said without thinking, “Hello, I want to buy a 30-cm Bokin bag.

I don’t know if it’s in stock?”

The shopping guide said with a smile, “Haha, madam, I really have a vision.

Our Bokin series has always been a super best-selling model.

There are many users who have registered for reservations, but the number of arrivals in each issue isvery small, so if you want to get the bag as soon as possible, you may have to buy more things in ourstore, take memberships, etc.

If you upgrade, the more chances you have to win the lottery like this!”

Hearing this, Claire asked in surprise, “Can I just buy it directly at the counter price of the bag?”

The shopping guide put away his smile and said with some sarcasm, “Madam, it should be the firsttime to come to Hermes to shop, right? In our store, no bag is sold at counter price, and more or lessyou have to buy some other accessories, otherwise it is impossible to sell it to you.”

Claire came to her senses and asked, “Do I need to buy some other accessories? Is this what thedistribution is called on the Internet?”

The shopping guide took it for granted, “Yes, If you want to buy Hermes’ bag now.

That’s the rule, no matter where you are in any country.”

Claire tentatively asked, “Then I want to buy Bokin 30.

How much do I need to match?”

The shopping guide said contemptuously, “The 30-cm Bokin bag has always been super popular.

Even if you allocate the goods, you can’t make sure that you will get the bag.

Of course, the higher the priority you have, and the greater the probability of getting the bag.

Whether you can get the bag depends on whether your level and priority can rush to the front.


Charlie didn’t like the hidden routine of the shopping guide very much.

Looking back on the last time he bought Hermes for his wife, the shopping guide said bluntly thespecific amount of 500,000 dollars.

Although Charlie was very unhappy with this way of distribution, he still preferred it directly.

So he opened his mouth and said to the shopping guide, “Don’t make any twists around the bush.

Just tell me how much money do I need to buy a Bokin 30?”

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