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Chapter 3427

In the hangar at this time, Olivia, who was dressed beautifully in a Chanel dress, was holding the armof a white young man, watching the Concorde airliner get closer and closer.novelbin

This young man is the eldest son of Rothschild’s collateral family, William Rothschild.

William’s family is rooted in Denmark, across the sea from the four northern European countries.

Over the years, William’s family has been hoping to be in the second tier of the Rothschild family, so ithas been keeping a low profile and trying its best.

Within the Rothschild family, the overall structure is similar to that of the Wade family, but in actualimplementation, it is much more cumbersome than the Wade family.

The Rothschild family is a veteran capital family.

They started as a financial bank, so the allocation of internal resources is extremely strict.

The lifeblood of the Rothschild family is in the hands of the core family in the United States, and thecore family divides the resources of different families by scoring other families.

A second-tier family has two or three times higher resources from the core family every year than thethird-tier family.

Therefore, every second-tier or third-tier family has a sharpened head and wants to climb up.

A ladder family must do everything possible to stabilize its position and cannot be compared to otherfamilies.

Therefore, this kind of strong internal competition makes the Rothschild family’s internal barriers as awhole very strong, and it is no easy task to achieve internal ladder leaping.

In recent years, William’s family has been doing everything possible to increase its rating weight.

Recently, through their own channels, they learned the news that the Queen of Northern Europe iscritically ill.

Realizing that the young Olivia would soon become the youngest queen in Northern Europe and eventhe entire Europe, they immediately negotiated with the Northern European royal family, hoping toreach a marriage.

But Olivia has long been up for sale.

Many rich people in Europe actually realize that she is about to become a queen, so many people hopeto marry Olivia.

The whole of Europe itself has strong thoughts of power and feudalism.

Almost everyone thinks that the royal family is superior to the nobles.

Those rich people who do not have aristocratic titles, if they can marry the queen, they will immediatelybe canonized as princes and duke at the same time.

The class leap was completed in an instant.

William was able to stand out among many competitors because his family decided to invest 2 billioneuros with 1 billion euros in cash as a bride price, which suppressed other competitors.

William’s family hopes to increase their influence throughout Europe through the blessing of the royalfamily, so that they can get more weight in Rothschild’s next internal rating and move to the secondladder.

At this time, Olivia looked at the Concorde airliner that looked like a white swan, and said with anannoyed expression, “The Wade family is really not a simple family.

They can even get this kind of supersonic airliner.”

William nodded and said with a somewhat enviable expression on his face, “As the world’s fastestpassenger plane, the Concorde was sold out by the top families as soon as it was retired.

This kind of aircraft can continue to be used after it is retired.

There are less than ten in total.

There are three in the Rothschild family, all of which are in the hands of the core family.

We never had the opportunity to experience it.

We did not expect that the Wade family also had one…”

Olivia said with a black face, “I haven’t been on this kind of supersonic airliner.”

William smacked his lips and said angrily, “I have never sat down in one either… but I heard that theWade family suffered a heavy loss this time.

I don’t know if they are willing to sell this plane at a low price.

If they want, I will buy it!”

At this time, the plane had slowly entered the hangar, and then the hatch opened, and Helena,accompanied by Charlie, walked down the spiral staircase.

Down the spiral staircase, Olivia looked at Helena with a sneer on her face.

Seeing that no one else walked off the plane but her and Charlie, Olivia frowned and asked, “Helena,where are your two entourages? Why didn’t they come back with you?”

The two of Helena’s followers are Olivia’s subordinates.

But Olivia always thought that Helena didn’t know it.

Seeing that she didn’t bring her entourage back this time, and she didn’t report any changes to her inadvance, she realized that Helena might have discovered the true identity of the two.

Helena pretended to be silly at this time, and said casually, “I left the two of them in China, and askedthem and the Wade family housekeeper to prepare the engagement banquet and wedding details.”

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