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Chapter 2977

When he heard that Charlie was about to break his legs and let him crawl back to Eastcliff, Jonas wasagitated.

He has been in the second-generation circle of Eastcliff for more than 20 years.

Based on his understanding of this circle, the people in this circle, although arrogant and ruthless, arebasically dealing with outsiders.

Only when it comes to insiders, most people tend to converge a little.

For example, he himself has bullied others and broken other people’s legs for so many years.

He has done it more than once, but it was aimed at some poor people whose backgrounds are far lesspowerful than him.

However if it’s sometime in the circle they won’t really do it.

Instead everyone will save some face to the other party.

After all, we all have money and power, and business will overlap every now and then, so we all knowthat we have to stay in line with each other in everything.

This has long become an unspoken rule for everyone in the second-generation circle.

But Jonas found that Charlie in front of him didn’t seem to care about this established rule.

So, he blurted out: “Charlie, if you really break my legs, my family will not let you go, and you will berejected and isolated by everyone in the circle, or I will give it to you.

I will kowtow in front of you and admit my mistakes and even pay you more money, then you can let mego!”

Charlie said blankly: “I have told you two choices, now you choose one by yourself within one minute, ifyou haven’t told me your final choice, then the two years in the first choice will become three years, andthe second choice will remain the same.”

Jonas saw Charlie was not going to let him off, and hurriedly yelled into the phone: “Auntie WadePlease help me! Say something nice, Auntie Wade…”

Cynthia sighed and said, “Jonas, Auntie advises you to choose the first one as soon as possible.

If you drag on, it will change from two years to three years.novelbin

I’m afraid you won’t be able to stand it…”

After speaking, Cynthia Wade added: “You can’t choose the second one if you say anything.

Don’t think Charlie is just talking about nonsense.

If he says that he is going to do something, he will definitely not change his mind if he asks you to crawlback.

The Kilgore family’s son, because he offended Charlie, went from Eastcliff to Aurous Hill on a bicycle,and lived in the dirtiest and worst shanty town of Aurous Hill.

His life was worse than a beggar…”

She was once punished by Charlie. After that, Cynthia secretly investigated Charlie’s actions.

The more investigations, the more she feared Charlie, so as a person who knows the truth, sheimmediately helped Jonas make the best choice.

In her opinion, the best situation for Jonas right now is to quickly agree to the first choice Charlie gavehim, otherwise, the following conditions will only get worse.

When Jonas heard Cynthia Wade talk about Dylan Kilgore, he was too shocked to speak.

He and Dylan have had a pretty good relationship.

Although the two have never really partied together before.

One day, Dylan suddenly went crazy, wore a green helmet and rode an eighteen speed bike out ofEastcliff.

Everyone in the circle said that he had a brain problem, but he didn’t expect that it was also apunishment from Charlie…

This made him feel a little more scared of Charlie.

However, if he really were to choose to be a seaman for two years, he would never be able to do it.

After all, for a rich second generation like him, a life of spending time with beautiful women and drinkingwine every day is a paradise on earth, but once you get on a boat and become a seaman, what youhave to face every day is the vast sea.

What kind of boring life?

Charlieeven prevented him from disembarking for two years.

What’s the difference between this and going to jail?

Just when he didn’t know what to do, Charlie reminded him: “It will be a minute soon!”

Jonas suddenly panicked.

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