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Chapter 2954

If any star arrives at a certain place with no one to pick them up and no beautiful and handsome airportphotos, they will definitely become the laughing stock of the entertainment industry.

Therefore, when Jonas heard that he would not have a fanfare when we arrived at the airport, he wasfurious and asked: “What’s going on? I’m going to Aurous Hill, is there not even an entourage waitingfor me?”

The female assistant hurriedly said, “Young master, you were originally scheduled to fly to Aurous Hilltomorrow morning, so Ricardo arranged for all of the fanfare to be here tomorrow!”

The female assistant hurriedly took out a notepad, while flipping through it, said: “Ricardo has bookedwith a local group leader in Aurous Hill, tomorrow morning at nine o’clock, there will be five hundredgroup actors outside the main terminal of Aurous Hill airport, they will be playing fans.

The pick-up entourage is very big.

Then we will first pay for advertising to put your arrival in Aurous Hill in the trending pages showing alarge number of fans waiting to see you arrive.”

“In addition, there are also ten groups of photographers who will arrive at the airport at nine o’clocktomorrow, they will be ready to capture you at various locations in the airport, and then the originalphotos will be sent to their editing team for finishing.

The finished pictures will be sent to me immediately, and then you personally select your favorites toput out.

Once we have the photos selected we will pay to have these photos advertised online showing yourtrendy outfit and massive fan group.”

“In addition to that, there are about 20 experienced actors to play your stalker fan, then they will driveall the way from the airport to the hotel following you, and you have to stop halfway to from your car tothe hotel to yell at them, then we will pay for more advertising of you condemning the fanatical stalkerfans.”

“According to the original plan, these stalkers will also go to your room at night and knock on the door,and will even use the name of a housekeeping staff to trick you into opening the door before rushing inrecklessly to take a photo with you.”

“We will send out the police, and the reporters will take pictures of the whole process and send them tothe internet that night, and then we will follow up to pay for the fourth trending advertisement of the day,which is the one where you were seriously harassed by stalkers and finally had to call the police forhelp.”

“Four trending articles and photos a day will definitely make you the king of gossip in these two days!”

Jonas said coldly, “What’s the point of telling me all this now? I’m going today, not tomorrow! I want youto advance all these arrangements to today! Advance it to two hours from now!”

The female assistant said helplessly, “Young master, the problem is, I can’t contact Ricardo, and thematerials for your support, such as banners, triangle flags, lighting, signs and so on, will only arrive inAurous Hill this evening, so if we go there now, we won’t be able to use them in time.”

“Damn it!” Jonas said furiously, “I’m also the hottest male singer now, if I go to Aurous Hill without fansto welcome, people will laugh at me if word gets out!”

After saying that, he said without any doubt, “Hurry up and arrange it for me! Call the group leaderdirectly and tell him that I will double the fee and he must bring 300 people to the airport in one hourand wait for me! If you can’t get the support materials within an hour, find some young women and ask

them to bite their fingers and write in blood on their white T-shirts to welcome me to Aurous Hill, and ifthey are willing to write in blood, I will pay an extra 5,000 each!”

The female assistant said helplessly, “Young master, the head of the group in Aurous Hill wascontacted by Ricardo, and I don’t have his contact information!”

“Damn!” Jonas slapped her in the face and cursed, “If you don’t have the contact information, then finda way, I don’t care what you use, if you can’t get this done, I’ll fucking kill you!”novelbin

The aggrieved female assistant was almost crying and choked out: “Young master, how about this, youwait for a few hours, let me go to Aurous Hill first to arrange things there for when you fly over……”

Jonas cursed, “How long do I have to wait? Now Ricardo has disappeared, and if I can’t find that son ofa bitch, a lot of things will have to start all over again, and now there are only three days left before theconcert, which leaves me no time to do that!”

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