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Chapter 2924

In that case, not only would he save a lot of costs, but he would also no longer need to be subject toothers.

Thinking of this, he picked up the phone and smiled and said, “I’m going to call Kit Fuller now.

If he can get Wilfred Elms’s cultivation method, I will pay him an additional 50 million.”

With that, he immediately called Kit Fuller.

However, the prompt on the other end of the phone was, “Sorry, the user you dialed is not in theservice area, please dial again later!”

Lord Banks couldn’t help frowning and said, “This Kit Fuller is too unsociable.

These days, he is said to rest in the cemetery every day, making the phone call unable to beconnected.”

Master Hett echoed and said, “Master, this type of person is generally very lonely, and Kit Fuller’s Guworm is said to rely on eating human brains for a living.

It is very evil and likely can live healthier in the cemetery environment.”

As he spoke, the Butler, Adrian Peters, ran over breathlessly and said nervously, “Master, it’s notgood!”

Lord Banks couldn’t help asking, “What’s the matter? Such a fuss…”


Peters handed his mobile phone to Lord Banks and said, “Master, look at this missing person notice!”

Lord Banks saw at a glance that Kit Fuller’s photo and name were listed in the search notice.

After he saw the contents clearly, his eyes suddenly became dark.

Adrian Peters hurried forward to hold him up, and followed with some acupuncture treatment to helpcalm him down.

Lord Banks said in a trembling voice, “Kit Fuller is also missing?”

“Yes…” Adrian Peters said with an extremely depressed expression, “The police found that the car herented had been struck by lightning, and he disappeared.

Now the police are collecting clues everywhere!”

Master Hett, who was next to him, hurriedly came up and looked carefully, and his heart grewcompletely cold in an instant.

“Just now I still hoped that Kit Fuller could kill Wilfred Banks and get his cultivation method, but beforehe was even finished imagining this dream, Kit Fuller disappeared in Aurous Hill?”

Lord Banks was a little overwhelmed at this time.

He muttered desperately despondently, “Aurous Hill is not a city… It’s a big black hole! Even Kit Fullercan be sucked in.

What exactly is hidden in it…”

Following behind Lord Banks, Adrian Peters said with concern, “Master, don’t be in a hurry.

It is just that you cannot contact Kit Fuller right now.

We don’t know the specific situation now.

We should wait for more accurate information, don’t you think?”

Lord Banks waved his hand and said dejectedly, “It’s meaningless to wait any more.

From the beginning with Zayne, we were looking forward to miracles, but now there is no clue.

Then the ones we expected to guard us disappeared like evaporation in the world.

Now it’s changed to Kit Fuller… The people I sent to Aurous Hill, and now only Master Mai is left.

That’s it!”

Adrian Peters said quickly, “Master, why don’t you call Master Mai and ask him to help figure out what’sgoing on.

He is an old man who has no attack power.

He is usually very cautious in his behavior.

He shouldn’t be in a position to encounter any accident.”

“Yes.” Lord Banks nodded immediately and said, “Master Mai has never wanted to cause trouble.

He hopes to avoid all risks at any time.

With his style of acting, he will certainly not encounter any dangers.” With these words, he continued tocall Master Mai with his shaking hands.

Unexpectedly, on the other end of the phone, the system prompt sounded: “Sorry, the number youdialed is turned off.

Please dial it later…”

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