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Chapter 2900

Charlie said indifferently, “Tell him you think it has been too easy for him to make money in thisendeavor.

You, at your age, have scoured Aurous Hill for days.

You have had to work much harder than he has.

As a result, you would like to negotiate a share of his earnings as compensation for your efforts.”

Master Mai nodded, but said nervously, “Master Wade, you may not understand this person, Kit Fuller.

He is extremely cruel.

Last time he asked me to meet at Phoenix Mountain Cemetery.

It was clear he intended this to scare me.

If I try to negotiate terms with him and ask him to give me a portion of the money in his hand, then hewill definitely strike out at me…”

Charlie said, “Don’t worry.

Although I find your behavior shameless, I am not going to use your life as bait.

As long as you cooperate with me to draw out Kit Fuller, I will naturally keep you safe.”

Although Master Mai was not convinced, he knew he had no other choice and could only agree toCharlie’s proposed plan.

He said, “Kit Fuller is suspicious by nature.

Where does Young Master Wade plan to meet him? If it is in a remote location, I’m afraid he will bewary…”

Charlie waved his hand, “Ask him to come to Shangri-La.

He must know that you are staying here, so it is safest for you to ask him to meet here.”

Master Mai couldn’t help but say, “Master Wade, Shangri-La is bustling with people and is located inthe downtown area.

If there is a fight with Kit Fuller here, won’t it be too obvious? It may be difficult to end and may causeunexpected troubles…”

Charlie snorted and said, “I asked you to invite him to meet here only to minimize his doubts.

You must realize someone like him would never agree to meet you here.” Charlie continued, “He musthave the same concerns as you just mentioned.

If he really wants to kill you, he wouldn’t dare to kill you somewhere as public as Shangri-La.

I believe he will ask you to meet him somewhere else of his choosing, which means he will have nounnecessary fear or suspicion.”novelbin

Master Mai nodded, clasped his fists and said, “Master Wade you have considered everything.

I will call him now!”

“No!” Charlie said coldly, “He met with you just last night, and you have yet to leave the hotel today.

If you tell him now that you found a clue, he definitely will not believe it.”

Master Mai couldn’t help but say, “Kit Fuller may not know everything about me, right?”

Charlie replied calmly, “You and Kit Fuller are not the same kind of person.

You make money through craftsmanship.

He makes money by killing people.

Just like a cook and a killer, you have nothing in common, so you are not the same kind of person atall.

You can’t conceive at all how cautious is the personality of a person like him who makes money frommurder and how careful his mind is.

He may well have been secretly observing you, so if you call him now, you may expose yourself.”

Master Mai quickly asked, “What do you mean, Master Wade?”

Charlie responded, “You should follow your original plan.

Go to the Thorne mansion and then call him upon your return.”

Master Mai nodded, then looked at Mike, who was still motionless next to him, and hurriedly said,“Master Wade, please let my great-grandson recover.

I will go to the Thorne mansion with him.”

Charlie said calmly, “Mike stays here, and my people will take care of him.

If Kit Fuller asks about him, you should say that Mike was frightened at Phoenix Mountain last nightand was not feeling well today, so he didn’t come with you.

Kit Fuller will not doubt it.”

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