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Chapter 2783

All throughout Aurous Hill many people were anxiously awaiting Stefanie’s concert.

Among them was the eldest young master of the Banks Family, Fitz.

At this time, Fitz wasn’t aware that his mother and sister had returned safe and sound.

He was still working at the Aurous Hill Olympic Center, constantly communicating with the venue aboutall the small details of the concert, although his company was just the sponsor of Stefanie’s concert.

Generally speaking, this kind of sponsorship only provides funding for the venue.

The real performance scheduling, stage construction and promotional materials are all matters ofStefanie’s own management company, which has nothing to do with him.

However, he quietly reached a cooperation with the venue.

The venue clearly leased the venue to Stefanie’s agency for the concert.

But behind the scenes, Fitz paid for it.

The venue took Fitz’s money and in turn he prepared surprises for Stefanie everywhere within thevenue.

In order to pursue Stefanie, Fitz made great efforts.

Originally, he wanted to purchase all the advertising spaces at Shangri-La, but Isaac Cameron refused.

So he reached a cooperation agreement with the venue itself and directly rented all their billboards,including several large LED advertising screens outside.

On the day of Stefanie’s concert, these advertising screens would display courtship posters carefullyprepared by Fitz.

In addition, he also arranged for specially customized tens of thousands of swag bags.

The bags contained glow sticks, light signs and specially designed t-shirts supporting Stefanie.

Fitz paid a lot of money to order these products from the best manufacturers in the province.

In addition to these items, there would also be a color poster in the bag.

The content printed on the poster was consistent with Fitz’s courtship poster on the big screen.

However, Fitz did not reveal his name in the courtship poster.

He signed himself in the poster as Mr.

B, who loved Stefanie.

Naturally with the letter B being the first letter of Fitz’s surname.

He believed that when Stefanie saw the content of the courtship poster, she’d be able to guess that hedid it, but other people definitely wouldn’t think of him.

In this way he’d be able to confess to Stefanie under the witness of thousands of people, but at thesame time he would kill two birds with one stone by not revealing his identity.

Moreover, he felt that he took such pains to express his love to Stefanie and in such a grand mannernonetheless, that she would definitely be moved by it.

What’s more interesting is that in order to create a sensation, Fitz specifically asked people to preparemillions in cash.

According to the ticket price of each seat at the concert, the corresponding cash amount was put intothe swag bag prepared for that seat.

In this way he could please Stefanie’s fans.

He felt that even though he made use of the tens of thousands concert goers to help him express hislove towards Stefanie, they shouldn’t be disgusted by his ploy when he reimbursed their ticket price.

“Anyway, I’ve reimbursed all the money you spent on the concert.

I’m courting my goddess through the concert.

What else can you say?”

In the eyes of others, this kind of behavior may be no different from that of a fool, but for Fitz, thismoney isn’t more than a pile of shit.

However, after so many preparations, Fitz still felt that it wasn’t enough.

He told his assistant, “by the way, when the time comes you must instruct the marketing team.

When the audience starts to enter, you have to make it go viral – you must be the first to post onTikTok!”novelbin

The assistant said without hesitation, “Master, you can rest assured, manipulating hot searches and hottopics is something our team is familiar with.

It’s nothing more than spending some money, so I will definitely help you achieve it.”

Fitz nodded his head with satisfaction and said with a smile of longing, “at that time, the mysterious Mr.

B will definitely go viral across the whole network!”

Speaking of this, he suddenly had an idea and blurted out, “By the way, at that time, the users have tomention or hashtag me to participate in a lottery of sorts.

All users who support and encourage Mr.

B under this trending topic will have the opportunity to participate in a lucky draw!”

The assistant asked hurriedly, “Master, how do you want to set the prizes for the lucky draw?”

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