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Chapter 2472

The assistant hurriedly and respectfully said: “Boss, the masters sent out has touched all of the AurousHill hospitals, but didn’t find the two of them.”

“No?!” James frowned and asked: “Has every hospital been investigated clearly?”

“Yes.” The assistant nodded and said seriously: “Not only the tertiary hospitals, but even the ordinarysmall clinics have been searched, and they have not been found.” James smacked immediately . “Tsktsk this is a bit weird! They are not in the hospital, is it that they are dead?” After that, he immediatelysaid, “Go and check the current progress of the police investigation. Is there any breakthrough?”

The assistant said truthfully: “Boss, I have already inquired about the situation on the police side. Theydon’t have any clues. They are now monitoring the bullet shells collected at the tunnel site and want topush the gunner’s clues from the bullets.”

James frowned. Ask him: “Where are Deana and Zara? The police have no clues?”

“No.” The assistant nodded; “The police are just like us, they are all confused now.”novelbin

“Damn” James cursed in a low voice. He continued to ask: “Is there any investigation results about thatgroup of mysterious people? The group rushed in from the tunnel entrance, took away Deana andZara, but also took away John Garrett and the four. 6 people are not easy to handle, even 6 corpsesare not so easy to handle! After all, there have to be some clues, right?”

The assistant said, “The police have no clue about this at all.”

James stomped his feet irritably, and cursed: “It’s fucking weird!” After that, he asked, “How is themedia team doing now?”

The assistant replied: “The media has basically controlled the situation now. At present, 70 of thediscussions on this matter on the Internet are inclined to the Banks Family favor, thinking that the

Banks Family is the biggest victim. I believe that as long as we continue to maintain this overwhelmingcoverage of public opinion, the people of the whole country will believe that we are innocent in a fewdays.”

James breathed a sigh of relief and said, “This matter is yours. Well done, if the old man is alsosatisfied, I will definitely give you a bonus for this.”

The assistant immediately bowed and said, “Thank you, boss!”

James gave a hmm and ordered: “There is one more thing, you can arrange it for me.”

The assistant hurriedly said, “Boss, please tell me.” James said with a grim expression: “Although TateLandry’s family didn’t know that I gave them 20 million to let them tell Tate Landry to kill Zara, but oncethis matter is out and spread to the old man’s ears. Then I will be the biggest suspect, so you sendsomeone to his hometown tonight, set a fire, and destroy all the evidence, understand?”

The assistant Nodded: “Good boss, I understand!” With that said, the assistant received a message,took a quick glance, and reported to James: “Boss, Miss Megan’s plane will land at Aurous Hill Airport,in forty minutes”

After hearing this, James’s eyes flashed with desire, and his heart couldn’t help but ripple.

The Miss Megan the assistant mentioned is Megan Endris, one of the four young talents in today’sentertainment industry.

This Megan Endris is only 26 years old this year. She graduated from film school after four years. Sheis very beautiful. However, because of her poor acting skills and no background, she has beenunknown in the film and television industry for the past two years.

However, since the year before last, Megan Endris has successively obtained the film resources ofmany top directors, which has put her on a steady pace to soon rank among the A-list actors. Manypeople speculate that there must be a sugar daddy behind her, but as quickly as the relevantspeculation posts are posted, they will are deleted immediately and the sources shut down. The reasonis that Megan was taken in by James, who has made her his mistress. Under normal circumstances, aslong as James has a chance to leave Eastcliff, Megan will come over to have a night with him, andtoday is no exception. When James decided to come to Aurous Hill, he asked Megan, who was filmingin the South China Sea, to prepare to rush over. So Megan stepped up to finish filming today’s scene,and immediately took a sick leave with the crew, secretly took a private jet, and rushed to Aurous Hill.

When he heard that Megan was about to land, James was a little excited, and said to his assistant:“Okay, you go out, I want to take a bath, and when Miss Megan comes, I will send her directly into theroom to see me!”

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