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Chapter 2351

For Milos, the blood-saving heart-saving pill was nothing but ordinary, not a big deal.



However, for others, this thing can’t say that it can prolong life, but at least it has a life-saving effect atthe most critical moment. With it, it is equivalent to one more life at the critical moment.

Jasmine is the best example. If it hadn’t been for a pill that she carried close to her body, the momentshe fell from a cliff in Japan, she would have disappeared like everyone else in a foreign country.Therefore, deep in the hearts of everyone present, they were so excited that there was nothing to add.

Violet divided the pill one by one, and then said to everyone: “Everyone collect the medicine, let’scontinue to eat.” Then everyone cautiously put the wooden box containing the pill into their pockets, gotup and returned to their seats. .



After a meal, the guests enjoyed themselves. Until nine o’clock in the evening, when the meal wasover, Doris Young still did not contact Edgar. Violet drove away from Mr. Quinton’s villa, and then tookout his mobile phone, ready to call Doris Young, and asked her if she had any trouble.





At this moment, Doris Young was at home, anxiously awaiting the results of police criminalinvestigators.

A dozen professional criminal investigators came to the house one after another to conduct a carpetinspection of the entire house, but the source of the poisoning is still not found.

At this moment, the mobile phone in Doris Young’s pocket suddenly rang.

She was taken aback by the ringing of the phone, and immediately took out her mobile phone andfound that Violet had actually called. Then she remembered that she also promised Violet to go to thedinner he organized in the evening!





However, looking at the time on the phone again, it is already nine o’clock in the evening!

She was stunned by the time, and she thought to herself: “Why is it nine o’clock all of a sudden?! Oh, Icompletely forgot about the time… Let the young master’s pigeons, the young master will not blameme Right?”

Thinking of this, she hurriedly connected to the phone and said very sorry: “Master…I’m really sorry, I…I have something in my house, I forgot the time… …I’m sorry…”

Violet heard the tension in her voice, and said: “It’s okay, I didn’t call to blame you, I mainly wanted toask what happened to you, do you need it? Help?”



Doris Young said hurriedly: “Master, I don’t have much need to help, but I encountered someunexpected incidents at home, I have been dealing with it at night, but I was so busy that I forgot thetime…”

Violet Seriously said: “If you need help with anything, you must not be polite to me, just talk.”



At this moment, Doris Young was moved in her heart, and suddenly remembered the rejuvenation pill.

“One rejuvenation pill is enough to solve all the problems facing my father…”

“However, the value of the rejuvenation pill is too expensive…”

“It sold before for One billion, how can I afford it?”

“Since I can’t afford it, should I ask the young master for one?”

“How can I open this mouth?”

Thinking of this, she felt depressed. , Stubbornly said: “Thank you for your kindness, Master, I canhandle it by myself, but I didn’t make the appointment for your meal. I’m really sorry…”

Violet said in a convenient way : “It doesn’t matter what the meal is. For family matters, we will haveanother dinner for another day.”



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