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Chapter 2082

Abraham nodded slightly and looked to the side at Jasmine, “Was it that Hashimoto Kon first whocalled you and asked you to sign with the chairman yesterday?”



Jasmine said firmly, “That’s right, it was Hashimoto Konzen who called me and asked me to go to WestDomo County to sign a contract with the chairman.”

Abraham snorted coldly between his nose, “It seems that the problem lies with this Hashimoto Konzen,he must have deliberately tricked you into going to West Domo County and then set up an ambush onthe mountain road in West Domo County.”



Jasmine was very confused and asked, “Morten, I don’t understand why Hashimoto Konzen wouldwant to harm me? Why would he design to put me to death when I have no grudge against him andhave never even had any previous interaction with him?”



Abraham coldly said, “Many perpetrators and victims are also not acquainted with each other, whatreally drives him to murder each other is mostly profit, it must be beneficial to kill you, that’s why he didit.”



Jasmine was even more surprised and asked, “I really can’t think of any benefit to him if I die? He won’tget anything out of it!”

Abraham looked at Jasmine and said seriously, “It might be hard for him to gain any benefits directlyafter you die, but the key is to see if there’s anyone to give him benefits after you die!”



Jasmine’s expression tightened, “Abraham…. You…….. What you mean is…. Someone hired him tokill me?!”



Abraham nodded his head firmly, “I think it should be!”



Jasmine was suddenly a little nervous and at the same time a little confused, her mouth slurred as shesaid, “But…. But…….. But this doesn’t make sense…. I’ve never usually offended anyone, so whowould it benefit if I died?”

Abraham looked at her and smiled but didn’t say anything, this was because he already had an answerin his mind at this time.



He felt that the person behind this matter was most likely Rueben and his father Theodore.

The Moore family’s situation was very well understood by Joe.



Jasmine’s parents had died early, and there were still several uncles and uncles in the family.

Among them, Rueben’s father, Theodore, was the most influential.

Because he was the eldest son, he was also the old man’s originally set successor.

So, when it came to Jasmine’s generation, Rueben was naturally the one with the most influence.

And because Jasmine had no parents and was alone, she hadn’t been very influential.

It was also fortunate that Master Moore took care of her and cared for her, so she could still enjoy thetreatment of a big sister even if her parents were gone.

In case Master Moore is the kind of old feudal man who prefers men to women, and Jasmine is withouther parents, she would have been treated as a marriage tool by the Moore family and married to a richyoung man from a big family as a wife.

However, ever since Jasmine met Morten, her status in the Moore family has risen sharply.



When Moore old man was on the verge of death, it was Jasmine who asked Abraham to pull him backfrom hell, and then Abraham also gave the old man a rejuvenation pill for Jasmine’s sake, so that hecould regain his health and be twenty years younger.





So, when Abraham gave the rejuvenation pill to Jasmine as a birthday gift on her birthday, the oldmaster Moore was so excited that he simply passed on the position of head of the family to Jasmine aswell.



In this way, Jasmine suddenly became the most powerful one in the Moore family, while the power andinfluence of Rueben’s father and son shrank dramatically in comparison.

Under such circumstances, Rueben and his son must have been very dissatisfied with Jasmine.

Once the discontent kept piling up in their hearts, it would seem logical that the idea of murderingJasmine would arise over time!

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