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Chapter 1844

At the beginning, Nanako Ito insisted on competing with Aurora. As for Aurora, it was because of herown rejuvenation pills that her strength improved by leaps. In the end, Aurora severely injured NanakoIto in the ring, this was a thorn in Paul’s heart.



On the one hand, he felt sorry for Nanako Ito, and on the other hand, he admired her character ofnever giving up. In addition, he also felt ashamed of Nanako Ito to a certain extent. Because it was herown hand that pushed Aurora from a level far below Nanako Ito to a position far surpassing Nanako Ito.

Now, I cured her by myself, so I dilute the distress; I saved her life and made her strength improved byleaps and bounds, so that guilt was also played down.

At this point, the distress and guilt have been washed away, and the rest is more of an appreciation forNanako Ito.

Therefore, Paul smiled at her knowingly, revealing a row of white teeth: “If this is the case, then I will gofirst!”



“Okay!” Nanako Ito nodded heavily, feeling extremely sad, but still smiling and said sweetly: “Steven, Iwish you good luck, peace and health!”



Ancient Japan respected martial arts, and the ultimate representative of martial arts was the Bushidothat they highly respected.

Therefore, in Japanese tradition, wishing a person’s martial arts has many meanings, not only wishingthe other person good luck, but also wishing the other person invincibility.

It can be said that it is the highest blessing.

Paul didn’t expect that Nanako Ito would say the words wishing her own martial arts prosperous,startled slightly, and immediately clasped a fist to her with a serious face, and said loudly: “Thank youMiss Nanako, we will have some time later!”



After speaking, she took a deep look at Nanako again, turned around and entered the securitycheckpoint.

At the moment Paul turned around, Nanako Ito’s tears burst.



She looked at Paul’s back, tears like rain!



She wanted to call Paul so that he could look back so that she could take a closer look at him.



However, she was afraid that when she stopped him, when he saw her face full of tears, he would thinka lot, would misunderstand, and think that he deliberately wanted him to see him letting go of all thedisguise.

Therefore, she resisted the urge to call him, just wanted to stand here, watch him disappear into thatdoor, and then turned and left.

At this moment, Paul couldn’t help it suddenly, and subconsciously looked back at her.



Just a glance made Paul’s whole body as if struck by lightning, and stayed for a while. Bjorne wantedto turn his head, and beckoned to her courteously. But I didn’t expect it. Looking back, Nanako, whowas still smiling just now, was already crying into tears.





At this moment, Paul felt that the softest part of his heart seemed to have suffered a shock. This kind offeeling, in general, only needs two words, that is: heart broken!



Nanako Ito didn’t expect that Paul would even look back at him again. At this moment, as the eldestlady of the Ito family, as the Nanako Ito who had undergone traditional Japanese education sincechildhood, she finally completely lost all self-control ability.



At this moment, she lost all her sanity and ran towards Paul crying, rushed straight into his arms andhugged him tightly. Before Paul came back to her senses, she gently stood on tiptoe and offered herfirst kiss on her own initiative. Those thin lips that were a little salty and cold because of her tears,kissed Paul’s lips without hesitation… …novelbin







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