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Chapter 1756

After 7 o’clock in the morning, the media will definitely report this matter.

At that time, it will definitely spread throughout Japan.

If within 24 hours, you can’t save people, this news will surely spread all over the world.

At that time, this will not only be the scandal of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, but also thescandal of the entire Japan!

If the law and order in Japan are so bad, the murderer is so cruel, and so tough, who will dare to cometo Tokyo in the future?

It is not only the rich and entrepreneurs who dare not come, but the politicians of various countries areafraid to come.

But Tokyo is the capital of Japan! If this scandal spreads all over the world, it will surely plunge theentire Japan into a diplomatic dilemma!

So he immediately asked his subordinates: “Are there any detailed autopsy results?”

The chief forensic doctor in charge of the autopsy immediately rushed to report to the TokyoMetropolitan Police Commissioner and Zayne: “After our autopsy, it was found that more than a dozenBanks’ entourages who died of poisoning, without exception, were all sarin poisoning, and we It wasdiscovered that they all died of liquid sarin poisoning.”

Zayne frowned, “Liquid sarin gas, what do you mean?”

The forensic doctor hurriedly explained: “Sarin gas is a colorless oily liquid at room temperature, muchlike glycerin. When used in war, it is exploded to form a large area of aerosol, whether it is breathing orskin. Contact will cause poisoning.”

“But the murderer this time must not want to make a big explosion, so he used a carrier similar to asyringe needle to inject about 30 milligrams of liquid sarin gas, and projected it on the victim at acertain distance to make the victim suffer. People died of poison.”

The chief of the Metropolitan Police Department hurriedly asked: “That is to say, that ninja dart reallyhas not been actually used?”


The chief of the Metropolitan Police could not help asking Zayne, “Mr. Banks, you said that the personbehind this incident is the enemy of the Banks Family?”

Zayne said with a green face: “I don’t care whose enemy I am, I only know that my son and daughterwere kidnapped in Tokyo! You must get them back to me unscathed!”

The chief of the Metropolitan Police Department was extremely helpless, and hurriedly arranged: “First,continue to enhance the search, and do not let go of any suspicious locations, vehicles, and people!Second, release both Yuhiko Ito and Takahashi, and then closely monitor me. What they do, see if youcan find any clues!”

Maki Takahashi in the interrogation room, when he heard that he let himself go home, hurriedly asked:“It’s not very peaceful these days, can you let me stay in the Metropolitan Police Department?”novelbin

The police officer handling the case said angrily: “You use the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department asa hotel? Get out quickly, otherwise we’ll be hard!”

Takahashi was really helpless, so he returned home from the Metropolitan Police Department under theescort of a few bodyguards.

Along the way, Takahashi Machi has been worried.

Milos was afraid that someone would harm him, and Teng Lin Zhengzhe and the three of them werenot around yet. If something happened, he was afraid that he would not even have the ability to resist.



So, he immediately called Teng Lin Zhengzhe.

However, no one answered a few calls in the past, which made him even more nervous.

“What the hell is going on? After a few hours, it’s time to go back to Tokyo from Osaka? Why can’t I getthrough the phone?”

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help getting irritated, and made several more calls to Teng Lin Zhengzhe’stwo junior brothers, but none of them could get through.

At this time, he was already faintly aware of something bad in his heart. Could it be that Teng LinZhengzhe and the three of them, like their four junior brothers, were all killed by those mysteriousninjas?

At this moment, the housekeeper called, and as soon as he came up he said hurriedly: “Mr. Takahashi,there was a mysterious person just now. Milos said he sent you a great gift!”



Takahashi asked in horror, “Big gift?! What kind of gift?!”

“A truck!”

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