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Chapter 1718

The leading ninja observed the surrounding environment and saw that the Aman Hotel was not far fromthis building, so he immediately ordered: “Second, we fell on the top of the Aman Hotel to watch eachother, the third, the old Fourth, look for a suitable place to hide downstairs and closely monitor thetarget first!”

In the intercom, the voice of three people immediately came: “Good brother!”

The two pitch-black paragliders slowly lowered their height, and finally landed on the roof of the AmanHotel. After landing, the leading ninja immediately called Takahashi Eiji’s father Machi Takahashi.

Maki Takahashi is in the hospital at this time. His eldest son, Eiji Takahashi, is still undergoing surgeryto implant a steel plate.

After receiving the call from the other party, Takahashi Maki immediately asked, “Mr. Fujibayashi, howis the matter going?”

The one called Mr. Fujibayashi is the leader of these four ninjas.

His name is Tenglin Zhengzhe, and the Tenglin family is one of the four famous ninjutsu in Japan.

In the development of Japanese ninjutsu, there was once a master of ninjutsu named Tenglin Baowu.

This Tenglin Baowu was once a celebrity of the Tokugawa family, Japan’s top family.

In 1676, he wrote a book called “Wanchuan Jihai”, which combined the martial arts essence of famousChinese and Japanese masters, and also referred to the famous “Abraham Tzu Art of War” and “TaiGong Art of War” in Chinese history. “This book was later regarded as the encyclopedia of ninjas.



Since his beginning, the Tenglin family has gradually become Japan’s top ninjutsu family.

And Tenglin Zhengzhe is the heir of this generation of Tenglin family.

In Japan, ninjas have always been dependent on top-notch families to survive. There were a largenumber of ninjas who worked for them in large Japanese families and under the shoguns during theWarring States period.

Although modern ninjas are becoming rarer and rarer, the true masters of ninjutsu are still attached totop big families.

This is mainly because the ninja family lacks sufficient earning power, and modern society is becomingmore and more secure and more emphasis on the rule of law, so they cannot make money by killingpeople and arson, so they can only continue to adhere to the big family and become A masterenshrined in a large family.

Said to be worship, in fact, it is captive.

Raising ninjas in captivity, giving them enough money, enough respect, and letting them work forthemselves is also a common hobby of large Japanese families.

Teng Lin Zhengzhe is a master of the Takahashi family.

On the phone, he reported to Takahashi Zhenzhihui: “Mr. Takahashi, we have tracked down that guy’saddress, which is opposite to the Aman Hotel in the city center. Now I am closely monitoring him on theroof of the Aman Hotel. Waiting for your next instructions.”novelbin

“Good! Great!”

Maki Takahashi finally breathed a sigh of relief and gritted his teeth: “As long as I find him, I don’t haveto worry that my son’s vengeance will not be avenged!”

After that, Takahashi Machi again ordered: “Mr. Fujibayashi, you must keep me staring at him.Wherever he goes, you will follow him and wait for my next step. But if he wants to leave Japan, Justkill him!”

Teng Lin Zhengzhe said: “Mr. Takahashi, please rest assured, from now on, I will never let the targetleave our control!”

Takahashi really knows: “Mr. Fujibayashi, when things are done, I will give you a generous reward, atleast five million US dollars!”

Teng Lin Zhengzhe smiled and said, “Thank you Mr. Takahashi in advance!”

Takahashi really knew what he thought of, and hurriedly said: “By the way, Mr. Fujibayashi, the eldestson of the Banks Family, Fitz, lives in the Aman Hotel. If possible, please help me monitor him. I wantto know if he sees him at the hotel. Who did you call, who you called, and what you said.”

Teng Lin Zhengzhe immediately said: “No problem, I will check it out now!”

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