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Chapter 1602

Seeing Jordan’s return, Stefanie stood up happily, ran to him three or two steps, and said with a smile:“Alder, why did you come back so early? I thought you would not come back until the evening!”





Jordan felt that his arm was being held tightly by her hands, and it was inevitable that he was a little bitdisheartened, but he didn’t dare to think about it, and said, “It’s nothing more than attending a birthdaybanquet, and I will be back when it is over.”



After speaking, Jordan asked her: “Aunts and uncles are not here?”



“Yeah.” Stefanie said softly, “My dad has gone to the group, and my mother is going to a charity dinner.There are charity auctions and wine parties. I won’t eat at home at night.”

Jordan nodded. He knew that with Angie’s status, she was also a top-ranked super celebrity inEastcliff. Her husband made a high-profile comeback, and she had to use her method to make a high-profile comeback to be able to support her husband.



Stefanie asked tentatively at this time: “Brother Alder, are you sure you are leaving tomorrow?”



Jordan said, “Yes, I will leave tomorrow.”



Stefanie looked a little lost, hesitated for a moment, remembered something, and said: “Alder, will youaccompany me out for a tour!”



Jordan asked her: “You are a big star, just go out on the street, won’t you be followed by thepaparazzi?”



Stefanie smiled and said, “Just like the last time I picked you up at the airport, just disguise it!”

After speaking, Stefanie said again: “I’ll take you to the place we played when we were young, do youremember Millenia Square?”

“Millenia Square?” Jordan frowned, always feeling that this place name was strange and familiar.



Stefanie said: “It’s the place where we often asked our parents to take us when we were young. Thereare many small vendors, small shops, lots of delicious and fun things, and Millenia Square is next toHeathbrook. When we were young, it was winter. We would go to Heathbrook ice skating car, do youremember?”

In Jordan’s mind, a fragment of childhood suddenly appeared.



In the picture, I and Stefanie together, led by their parents, went to Paddock Alley to eat candied haws,and play ice carts on the ice in Heathbrook.

The winter in Eastcliff is very cold. Thick ice will form on the lake in Heathbrook. After the ice is frozen,people will go skating and playing ice carts on the lake. The children are all sitting on the self-made icecarts. An iron rod stabs and moves on the ice.

At that time, children didn’t have any electronic products to play with, so when winter came, Jordanwanted to go skating in Heathbrook.



He still remembers that Stefanie’s parents had a very beautiful courtyard house at Heathbrook. Everytime his parents took him to Heathbrook, they would first take him to visit Stefanie’s parents, and thenhave a meal in the courtyard of Stefanie’s house.

Thinking about it now, those memories that have not appeared in my mind for more than ten years arestill vivid after so long.

At that time, Stefanie was just a follower. Wearing a thick cotton-padded jacket, like a small cotton ball,her little hands stretched out from the sleeves of the cotton-padded jacket, grabbing the corners of hisclothes tightly, and would not let go.

At that time, she always had the nam “Jordan” on her lips, her voice was sweet and waxy, and she wasa little bit shy, it was really cute.



However, that place I loved most when I was a child, I haven’t been to it for 18 years.

Thinking of this, Jordan’s heart was full of nostalgia.



So he asked Stefanie, “Daisy, is your courtyard on the back beach still there?”

“Yeah!” Stefanie said with a smile: “That is a protected building, and it is not allowed to be demolished.My dad spent a lot of money to renovate it two years ago. If the traffic in the city center is not too heavy,we would all want to move there. Permanent residence.”novelbin

As she said, she couldn’t hide her excitement and asked, “Alder, do you want me to take you therenow?”



The memories in Jordan’s mind swarmed, and his heart suddenly became excited, and he blurted out:“Yes!”



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