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Chapter 1339

Aurora smiled shyly, and said obediently: “I know Dad, then I will drink a little with Master Wade.”

Charlie smiled slightly and said, “Aurora, after eating, I will help you absorb the power of the magicdrug, so you are not suitable for drinking. If you really want to drink with me, just wait for you to win thechampionship.”

Aurora bit her lower lip lightly, and said unconfidently, “Master Wade, to be honest, if I were to fightNanako Ito, I wouldn’t even be 20% sure…This Nanako Ito really It’s very powerful, there is no rivalamong people of the same age.”

Charlie smiled and asked, “Is Nanako really so amazing?”

Aurora said: “ Nanako Ito started martial arts when she was 5 years old, and she has been learningfrom Japan’s top masters. What’s more, she practiced a variety of martial arts since childhood,including Sanda, fighting, karate, and even Jeet Kune. A talented player.”

“And I only started practicing Sanda fighting when I was ten years old. I have five years less skill thanNanako Ito. The gap is too big. Even if your magical medicine can improve my physical function, I maynot be able to beat her, because Sanda Fighting games are not only about physical strength, agility andspeed, but also experience and tactics. Experience and tactics are accumulated over time and little bylittle. It is also the biggest gap between me and Nanako Ito.”

Speaking of this, Aurora continued with a little sullenly: “It’s like your men’s favorite football, whether itis Messi or Ronaldo, what they are really good at is their skills and consciousness, and experience, nottheir bodies. How strong they are, or how strong their stamina is. Messi is so short and there are toomany football players who are stronger than him, but there are basically no active football players withexperience and skills comparable to him. This is the key point.”

Charlie nodded and said, “You are right. Experience and tactics do require years of actual combat.However, don’t worry too much about this. I will definitely help you analyze the strengths andweaknesses of your opponents carefully. Help you develop tactics.”novelbin

Aurora nodded excitedly: “Great Master Wade! Then I will rely on you!”

After eating, Aurora took Charlie to her special practice room.

Aurora’s exercise room is much larger than the living room of an average person’s home. It has allkinds of training equipment and a standard arena.

Aurora invited Charlie to do it in the rest area of the practice room, and then said to him shyly: “Master,you sit first, and I will change into training clothes.”

Charlie: “Okay.”

Seeing Charlie nodded, Aurora turned and went to the next room first.

A few minutes later, Aurora walked out wearing brave sportswear. Though it is sportswear, it is actuallya sports underwear. Sports underwear can cover very little skin, nothing more than a key part.

So Aurora’s pink neck, slender arms and long legs, and flat belly with v lines were all fully exposed tothe air.

Unlike when he saw Aurora on the field today, Charlie saw her now in a closed and privateenvironment. In this environment, there was no other person besides the two of them, so this made himhim feels a little bit unnatural.

Aurora also kept answering in shame, always feeling that in private, she dressed like this for Charlie tolook at, feeling a little shy and unbearable in her heart.

However, she didn’t panic at all, because she was very confident in her figure, and deep in her heart, Ihope Charlie can see more of her shining light.

Charlie tried his best to look at Aurora’s eyes without any impurities, and said seriously: “Aurora, whereis the medicine I gave you before?”

Aurora immediately opened her palms and exposed a pill in a transparent plastic shell, and said,“Master Wade, the magic medicine is here…”

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