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Chapter 1321

In Aurora’s eyes, Charlie’s status is almost second only to her father Mr. Quinton.

But this coach Blanks didn’t know.

He also felt that Charlie was just a moment of luck, so Aurora, who had just fooled around, believed inhim.

So he snorted and said disdainfully: “Aurora, don’t be fooled by this kind of hairy boy. This kind ofperson can only talk on paper and has no real ability at all. If you really let him be your coach, Then youwill definitely not have a chance to win the subsequent games!”novelbin

Aurora said with a bit of annoyance: “I forbid you to say that about Master Wade! Master Wade’sstrength is what you can imagine! If it weren’t for Master Wade remind me today, if I listen to yourtactical arrangements, then I must have lost this game now, it is impossible to advance to thequarterfinals, and there is no chance to play the subsequent games!”

Coach Blanks did not expect that Aurora would not even buy his own account.

This made him very angry.

Moreover, Aurora mentioned that her tactical arrangements just now were not as good as the youngman surnamed Wade, which made him even more unhappy.

Because for someone like him, even if Aurora used Charlie’s tactical arrangement to defeat the Thaiplayer just now, he didn’t think that Charlie was better than himself.

He even felt that if Aurora used the tactics she had just arranged, she would probably win the same,and even win more beautifully and simply.

So he said in a weird manner: “Aurora, I kindly give you a chance, don’t you know how to promote!”

“Professional players in Aurous Hill who want to practice Sanda with me line up and beg me to acceptthem as apprentices. I choose you. This is your luck. If you miss me, then your career will have cometo an end! There will never be any real progress!”

“If you want to become a true national professional athlete in the future, without my guidance, you canonly be wishful thinking.”

Mr. Quinton did not expect this coach Blanks to speak so unceremoniously. He said in an angry coldvoice: “Coach Blanks, your tone is really loud. Why do you think my daughter chooses you as thecoach is my daughter’s Luck? Let me tell you that if my daughter can get Master Wade’s guidance, thatis the luck of the gods. As for you, it’s just rubbish!”

Because Aurora is usually very low-key in school, many people don’t know her family background atall, and they don’t know that she is Mr. Quinton’s daughter.

Mr. Quinton has always been a person who does not show up or leaks. He is not as popular as otherrich people in Aurous Hill, so although there are quite a few people who know him, not many peopleknow him.

Coach Blanks has trained Aurora for more than a year. He has never seen Mr. Quinton. He doesn’tknow how good Aurora’s family is. He thinks that Aurora is just the daughter of an ordinary family, andhe might even count on practicing Sanda to get ahead. I thought I was holding each other.

But I didn’t expect that the other party would not put himself in the eyes at all, and even said that hewas rubbish.

This is really intolerable.

So, he said coldly: “It’s true that Rodney Blanks has some connections in Aurous Hill and even thewhole country’s Sanda circle. If I want to block someone, it’s just a matter of one sentence. Therefore,before talking to me, I must weigh my mind. clear!”

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