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Chapter 1317

Coach Blanks had been watching from the side, seeing Aurora always passively defending and beingbeaten back by the opponent, she couldn’t help but sneer.

In his opinion, Aurora’s tactics were simply the weakest among the weak.

Since the opponent’s next set attack is fast and the upper set is relatively inferior, it should be the sameas the opponent’s own next, and the other side’s hanging.

In this way, we can find a breakthrough point and reverse this passive situation in one fell swoop.

This is also the traditional thinking of most coaches.

But this is also the root reason why most coaches cannot become top coaches, and even when theythemselves are players, they cannot become top players.

In Charlie’s view, whether it is a battle between the two armies or a fight between the two, the best andmost stable way is to defeat the enemy’s trump card.

Just like in a war, if the opponent’s ace division is defeated, not only will the opponent’s strength begreatly weakened, but also the military will be in a state of confusion.

In contrast, if you just destroy the opponent’s miscellaneous army, or even the cannon fodder army, notonly is it impossible to achieve a key victory, but it may be targeted by the opponent’s main forcebecause of the main goal of the measure.

In Sanda, if the opponent uses the fist best, then the opponent’s fist must be abolished; if the opponentuses the leg best, then the opponent’s leg must be abolished, otherwise the opponent’s most powerfulmeans of attack is left. My biggest hidden danger.novelbin

The Thai player Aurora faced was the best at right leg, so even if Aurora launched an attack on herupper plate and succeeded in the attack, it would not have much impact on her attack power.

In this process, if Aurora was hit by the opponent’s leg, it was very likely to fall into a slumpimmediately.

That’s why Charlie asked Aurora to do everything possible to find the weakness of the opponent’s nextgame.

And at the moment when the opportunity came, Aurora did not disappoint his trust.

Seeing Aurora’s fierce kick facing the opponent, she suddenly flashed, and then stepped hard,slamming on the calf bone of the leg that the opponent kicked.

This step immediately caused the Thai player to cry out in pain.

Immediately afterwards, she felt a sudden pain in her right leg, as if she was about to fracture.

This pain made her feel unsteady even standing, let alone continue to attack Aurora.

So she immediately limped back a few steps, her face full of shock and incredible.

What she didn’t expect was that her next game was obviously stronger than the opponent, but theopponent dared to make a fuss with herself in the end.

She kept beating her back every day, thinking that she had the upper hand, and waiting to give her afatal blow, but she didn’t expect that the other party was the one who looked at me and waited to giveher a fatal blow!

With this foot, she was affected even when she walked. Every step she took was painful, and thecombat effectiveness of the whole person plummeted instantly.

Most of the audience in the audience was Chinese. Seeing Aurora finally regained a city, a burst ofcheers broke out.

Charlie looked at Aurora with approval, and it seemed that Aurora was really talented. She was able toseize this opportunity accurately the first time the other party exposed her weakness.

Now the balance on the ring has been severely tilted, and the Thai player injured her right leg. It isabsolutely impossible to be Aurora’s opponent anymore, but this kick just now laid the foundation forAurora’s victory.

Coach Blanks in the audience looked very ugly.

He really didn’t expect that Aurora could really take advantage of the opponent in the next game!

The kick just now is very strong, and you can tell that the other party’s injury is serious.

From the coach’s perspective, it can be seen that Aurora’s game has already been won, and the rest isjust a matter of time.

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