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Chapter 1226

After getting out of the car, watching Jasmine drive away from Thompson First, he stood there for tenseconds before turning around and entering the gate of Thompson First.

When he returned to his home, his wife Claire had washed up and was lying in the bedroom reading abook.

Seeing Charlie’s return, Claire smiled and asked, “How was your friend’s birthday party?”

Charlie felt a little unnatural, and replied: “The banquet is not bad.”novelbin

Claire didn’t know that Jasmine was celebrating her birthday tonight. This was mainly because Charliedidn’t want her to think too much, so he didn’t say it.

Claire didn’t find anything wrong with Charlie. She put down the book in her hand, looked at Charlie,and said with some embarrassment: “Husband, can I ask you something?”

Charlie hurriedly said, “What are you doing so politely with your husband? Just talk about it.”

Claire said: “I have a high school classmate who is going to get married some time later. She came tomy studio today to send me invitations. Can you accompany me then?”

Charlie smiled and said, “Of course, men and women?”

“Female.” Claire said: “When we were in the third year of high school, we had been at the same tablefor a while.”

Charlie nodded and said, “Since it is a wedding at the same table, it must be going!”

Claire hesitated and said, “Um, husband, I have one more thing I want to ask you for help.”

Charlie said: “You just say it.”

Claire said seriously: “This high school classmate’s life is not very good. The family has always favoredboys over girls and didn’t care much about her, and she was married because she is pregnant, so herhusband’s family is not very esteemed at her. She thinks today. She begged me to drive my BMW tomake her the first car for her wedding. She may think that the BMW is already very luxurious, but youalso know that nowadays in the city, the first car for the wedding team is at least For a luxury car over amillion dollars, it’s not possible to start with the BMW 5 Series, so I want to beg you, can you lend oneof the two luxury cars from Mr. White and Mr. Quinton and make her the leader.”

Charlie asked in surprise: “It’s okay to borrow a car. I haven’t driven since that auto show. But, my wife,I’ve only heard of a fleet of family members and never heard of a fleet of married couples. What is therule?”

Claire said: “My high school classmate used to live in school. Her family was in a county around AurousHill. It stands to reason that when she got married, it was the groom who brought her to pick her up, butthe groom’s family looked down on my classmate. Yes, I deliberately made a harsh request, saying thatI would not go to pick up the family when we get married, and let my mother’s family drive to the hotel.”

Charlie couldn’t help frowning: “This groom’s family has done too much, right? She is pregnant with hischild. When they got married, they didn’t go to the house to pick up their relatives?”

Claire sighed: “No way, my classmate is also very uncomfortable. The man’s family despises her and isunwilling to give a penny gift. Her mother’s family originally expected her to have some gift for herbrother when she got married. When they bought a house, they didn’t give her a penny, so myclassmate’s family didn’t want her to marry, but my classmate insisted on marrying, so whether it’s herfuture husband’s family, family, or her own family, they all have opinions on her. , Kind of pitiful.”

Speaking of this, Claire hugged Charlie’s arm and swayed vigorously, begging: “My husband, I knowyou have the best skills, and I know that you are usually low-key, but can you help? On the day of my

classmate’s wedding, she drove a sports car to marry her? I also wanted to save her face so that herhusband’s family would not bully her too much in the future, please, husband.”

Charlie smiled slightly and said dozingly: “Since you are your high school classmate, how can you driveone? Just leave both of them. Then I will drive one by myself. You drive one with your classmate, areyou satisfied with this arrangement?”

Claire was overjoyed, immediately hugged him, kissed him on the lips, and said happily: “Satisfied! Sosatisfied! You are really the best husband in the world!”

Charlie was stunned on the spot. What happened to me today? Is the peach blossom blooming?

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