The Challenge Two Alphas, One Girl

Chapter 32: Friday and Fang
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Chapter 32: Friday and Fang

What was happening to me? It felt like my body was on fire. I had taken my painkillers as prescribed. Mybroken foot was not any hotter than the rest of me. I was burning up like I had a roasting fever. I felt myown neck. It was no use. I could not differentiate between the heat of my hand and the heat of my neck.My lower abdomen hurt. It reminded me of the period cramps I used to get when I was twelve or thirteenonly much more intense. I realised I had shut my eyes tightly. My eyelids fluttered open. Thaddeus andMaze were both very still like statues, beautifully carved from stone. The only signs of life were their slowpanting as their chests rose and fell, their tense eyes and the beads of perspiration forming on theirtemples and foreheads.

We need them! The strong inner me said, her tone demanding. Make them come to us now! ordered me.

Huh. I did not know how to do that. Entice them!

I struggled to sit up slowly. Thaddeus flinched and took a step backwards. Maze gulped and grunted. Mytousled wavy hair fell in my face, the curtain of hair blocking them from view. I knew the movement hadcaused my hair’s scent to waft towards my mates. I heard low growls and snarls. I pushed my hair out ofmy face. My vision was hazy. Were those angry sounds directed at me? I felt hurt. They had been sotaken with me a second ago.

They’re not angry with us! The voice said, amused. I felt my flower weeping, causing my underwear toget damp. I moaned.

Maze lunged at me. I shut my eyes tightly waiting for the impact. I did not feel anything. When openedmy eyes, Thaddeus had grabbed Maze by the back of his collar and was now clutching both of his arms,holding him back. Maze was panting. He looked at Thaddeus. I expected him to glare at the other Alphafor blocking him but Maze’s gaze was one of gratitude, like he was thankful Thaddeus had grabbed him.

“We need to get away from her,” grunted Thaddeus, pulling on Maze’s arms. “I mind-linked Theo. Heshould be here soon. He has a mate. All the unmated males need to be kept away from the pack house

for a while.”

Maze nodded.

“What’s going on?” I sobbed. Why weren’t they talking to me? “I need help! Please!”

I was not sure what I wanted. “Shhh, little Luna, it’s ok,”cooed Thaddeus. The inner me purred at thesound of his voice, addressing us.

“What’s happening to me?” I asked, sniffling.

“You’re in heat, Baby,” murmured Maze, struggling to take another step away from me.

That was impossible! I was wolf-less. How could I go into heat? I stood up without even thinking andwinced as I stood on my broken foot in its cast. I slipped and fell. Before I could hit the floor, Thaddeusand Maze caught me. I put one arm over Thaddeus’ shoulders and the other over Maze’s. Theysupported me effortlessly. The strain on their faces seemed to be because of my scent. I was really inheat and it was driving my alphas crazy. My stomach clenched at the thought of what they probablywanted to do to me.I

We definitely want them to lose control, said the inner me. We want their pups. We want heirs andheiresses.

No! I put that voice in her place. Thaddeus and Maze would both be devastated when they came to theirsenses if things got out of order. They were pretty honourable. Also, they would technically both breakthe challenge rules and I had no idea what that would mean for anyone. I had the whole of Marigold andthe whole of Berryndale to think about. Those thoughts cooled me off a little. I had spent my whole lifenot being in touch with my instincts. Finally, that was actually a good thing for once. I was level-headedabout this though my body was going crazy at being between the alpha auras and body heat of mymates. I stifled a moan.

Theo’s POV Just as that asshole Fang knocked me over, I heard Thaddeus’ voice.

Theo! Come quickly! Bring whichever of the Berryndale warriors are mated. Get Gamma Slogan too andany mated Marigold warriors you trust. Friday is in heat.

Before I could panic, I was momentarily confused. Was that even possible? She was wolf-less. Therewas no time to ponder theory. I scrambled to my feet. I ran to the warrior’s chambers and awoke three ofthem I knew to have mates back in Berryndale. We ran up to the Gamma floor and banged on Slogans’sdoor. I should have mind-linked him but I was a bit frantic.

Slogan groggily came out of his room. His mate was asleep on the bed behind him.

“The future Luna is in heat,” I said quickly.

Was that why Fang had run off suddenly? He wouldn’t give a s**t. He hated his sister.

Slogan’s eyes widened. “I knew it! I knew she wasn’t wolf-less, a former Beta’s daughter and Beta’ssister mated to two Alphas like that.”

I gave him a look that said Shut up, let’s go. He shut up and off we went. I did not want to jump toconclusions about the whole wolf-less thing and get anyone’s hopes up. She would not necessarily shiftjust because she had one heat in my opinion. I was no wolf doctor but we needed to deal with one thingat a time.

Fang’s POV

I reached the Alpha floor and found Friday’s door locked. I ripped it off its hinges. I was good at that. Itwas kind of my signature at this point. I burst into the room. The two alphas were holding Friday up. Shecould not balance with her cast. Their eyes were pitch-black and their canines were bared but they werefighting the mating call. I really hoped Friday’s heat, if that was what it really was, would not send them

into a rut. Maze and Thaddeus both in a rut, where alphas are desperate to bond with their unmarkedunmated mate, would be a nightmare. It would take an army to contain those two and keep Friday safe.

Maze and Thaddeus growled at the presence of another powerful male in the room. Friday looked afraid.They were Alphas and I was a Beta but they could not use their Alpha voices on me this time.Werewolves had a strong code of conduct. I was her brother! She needed to get away from themimmediately. I growled, baring my canines. I roared, partially shifting so that my jaw was elongated andready to bite if necessary.

Maze and Thaddeus seemed to come to their senses somewhat.

Maze surprised me by trusting me. “Take her,” he said as though every word were a struggle. “Get heraway from us.” I expected Friday to protest and be super annoying as usual but she surprisingly all butfell into my

“GET OUT!” I bellowed at them. It made no sense running with Friday. Those Alphas could not be outrun.It was easier to lock Friday in her room and arrange a team of mated warriors doing round the clockshifts guarding her door and windows. I was a shitty brother if truth be told but I was a pretty kickassBeta when it came to strategy.

Thaddeus and Maze left the room. Their heavy steps echoed throughout the Alpha floor. I could hearTheo grab onto Thaddeus who was trying to turn around and get back to Friday’s room. I tossed Fridayon the bed and flew to the door, locking it and barricading it with whatever was nearby for the time being.We had put nothing in place ahead of time for her heat as was usually done with new mates becauseFriday was…wolf-less? Or was she?

I turned to look at her, my black eyes lightening to a warm brown again, my chest heaving. I realised howscared I had been. I did not want those half-crazed alphas near my baby sister. She was a pain in theass but she was an innocent pain in the ass and the thought of her being (relatively) wolf-less and in a

cast trying to fend off two giant alphas made me sick. Maze and Thaddeus were good alphas but theywere out of their minds and could not be trusted right now.

Friday was panting. She gazed at me, her doe eyes fearful. Doe was right and those lions needed to becaged. I hoped Theo, the Berryndale warriors and Gamma Slogan could handle it. I could hear a lot ofshouting and scuffling going on but it was fading. The alphas were calming down as they were pushedfurther and further away from Friday’s scent.

I walked over to Friday and sat on the bed next to her. I had shocked myself with my own reaction to allof this. A thousand conflicting thoughts swirled in my head.

“Fang,” Friday said softly.

“The pain will pass, don’t worry. If you really are in heat it should be done in about three days,” |mumbled, not meeting her eyes.

This was an awkward thing to discuss with my baby sister. I had tried to talk to her about Thaddeus andhis raunchiness before but she had seen through my bullshit. I really had not been concerned about herthen. I remembered when she had worn that crazy piece of an outfit. Astrid sorta dressed like thatsometimes. Astrid was pretty sexy but Astrid was a woman. Friday was a little girl.

She isn’t anymore, though. My wolf was right. I looked at her. “Thank you, for helping me,” Fridaywhispered, her doe eyes glistening with tears.novelbin

She crawled towards me and put her head on my shoulder. Normally I would shove her away. I feltsomething wet on my arm. Her tears. I wrapped my arms around her before I could stop myself. I kissedthe top of her head. She broke down, sobbing in my arms. I realised her sobs had very little to do withher mates and her heat. A stray tear rolled down my cheek too.

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