The Challenge Two Alphas, One Girl

Chapter 29: Maze’s Moods and Musings
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Chapter 29: Maze’s Moods and Musings

Friday’s POV

I did not think I would ever get used to this feeling. It was so overwhelming. Thaddeus had his facepressed against the sensitive area between my thighs. He licked my p***y, parting its lips with his largetongue. His huge palms were pressed against my inner thighs. He moved his hands to envelope mywaist when I began to squirm too much and he wanted to hold me in place. I squealed in delight as hetook my entire vulva into his large hot mouth. He swirled his tongue around and sucked gently on myinner lips. He found my clit and traced patterns delicately on it with his tongue. I groaned loudly. He puthis tongue inside me, darting it in and out rhythmically. My fingers tangled in his long silky hair. I was notsure if I was trying to pull him closer or push him away. The pleasure was unbearably intense. I was alittle lightheaded. I moved against his face, rocking my hips. He groaned against me. The vibration mademe tremble.

“Thaddeus,” I whimpered.

“c*m for me, Friday,” he commanded, his voice husky. I obeyed. Pleasure flowed through mein waves. Allof my muscles stiffened, flexing and then all at once, they relaxed. I was limp and sleepy. I

sighed happily. Thaddeus kissed his way back up and found my mouth. I tasted myself on his lips. Hisbeard was soaked. I blushed.

“You’re so beautiful, Baby, just like this, you’re perfect,” he said, making a frame with his hands like hewas a photographer shooting a model for a magazine ibit my lip. Thaddeus wrapped me up in thecovers. I felt a strange lurch inside of me. I shot up, sitting upright suddenly, clutching the covers to myfront.

“What’s wrong, Baby?” Cooed Thaddeus.

Maze. Something is wrong with Maze. Istiffened. The voice in my head sounded like me but a morepowerful version somehow.

I could not tell Thaddeus I was worried about Maze. He would be livid. He won’t be mad. Maze andThaddeus respect each other more than you realise.

The voice was creeping me out. I listened closely for a few minutes. It was gone. I sighed in relief but Idecided to heed it’s advice anyway.

“I think something is really wrong with Maze,” I said sheepishly.

“Like what?” Asked Thaddeus.

“I don’t know,” I mumbled, feeling stupid for bringing it up. “I’ll mind-link him since you’re worried,”Thaddeus said.

Maze had gone to Prestige Gardens today. I overheard Gamma Slogan talking about it. That was on theother side of Ambrosia entirely.

“He’s supposedly really far away. The mind-link can reach so far?” I asked. “With Alphas, yeah. We havea really huge range,” said Thaddeus.

Alphas have really huge everything, I thought to myself smirking.

Thaddeus’ eyes went dark. I stared at him. I stroked his strong jawline and rubbed his lower lip with mythumb. All of his features were so handsome and manly. His eyes turned blue again as he came back tome.

“Is he ok?” | asked.

“No…he…well I think he wants to tell you himself,” said Thaddeus.

Maze’s POV

My eyes widened and linhaled sharply at the sight before me. My father was sitting in his office chair witha woman straddling his lap, rocking against him in a tight embrace. They were both naked and locked

in a passionate kiss. I could not help it. A growl ripped through me at the indignity of it. My mother washome and right downstairs. Her friends were with her. Did any of them have any idea?

My growl caused them to break their kiss but the woman remained on his lap. He clutched her evenmore closely to him as though she were more precious than life itself. He grabbed a nearby shawl tocover her with. The woman looked mortified and my father simply looked annoyed. I stared at thewoman. Why was she so incredibly familiar?

The obvious came back to me. This was Friday’s Mom and I spent everyday with Friday staring at herand everyday without Friday thinking about her. Friday really resembled her mother. I wished I had notgrowled now. It was still unthinkable, their selfishness, but I had frightened Mrs Fenestra and she hadthat same wide-eyed look Friday got whenever she was upset. It was making me feel guilty. My wolf wasconfused, unsure if to hate this woman who dishonoured his mother or love her for her greatresemblance to his mate.

“Maze, do you mind?” Asked my father dryly. I spluttered. “Do /mind? Me? Me!’ I yelled.novelbin

Friday’s mother bit her lip. “Alpha Maze, please, a little quieter,” she pleaded in a stage whisper.“I knowhow upsetting this must be for you but we don’t want anyone to come up here and make it even worse.”

I calmed down a little. I shut the door.

“Um, try closing the door with you on the other side of it, son!” Said my father.

Tignored him and sat in a chair covering my face in my hands, totally exasperated. I heard a lot ofshuffling as they got dressed. I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was soft and small. I looked up at her,

willing myself to detest her. She smiled and she looked exactly like Friday only older. I groaned andsighed.

“Mrs Fenestra, how can you behave like this, think of my mother, think of Friday’s father,” I implored her.

She laughed sadly. “Trust me, Friday’s father doesn’t care. He only married me because he wanted sonsto pass his Beta lineage onto.”

“Is Friday his?” I asked suddenly, an unspeakable fear gripping me as I glanced at my father. My fatherrolled his eyes. “Of course she is, Alpha Maze,” chucked Mrs Fenestra. “You can’t be fated to a relative,half or otherwise. Fate isn’t crazy,” my father said.

Relief washed over me. Friday and I looked nothing alike but I just wanted clarification for my peace ofmind.

“And all of Friday’s brothers?” I asked. “Mine and Friday’s Dad,” said Mrs Fenestra.

“You’re an only child, don’t worry,” said my father. “Does Mom know you guys are up here?” I askedincredulously. “No,” said my father. “Your mother and I hardly speak and we haven’t shared a room sinceyou were ten,”

“Why don’t you just divorce then and marry Friday’s mom?” | asked dryly.

“That would be a huge scandal,” said my father. Of course, he was thinking of keeping up appearances.

“And then Friday would be your little step-sister,” said Mrs Fenestra, raising her eyebrows. I feltnauseated. “Stupid idea, sorry,” I said quickly. “Maybe we will one day,” my father said offhandedly. “Butyou already knew all of this Maze.”

He had suggested the truth at the awkward dinner with Friday and her family but seeing really wasbelieving.

“He’s just shocked, Dear, it’s an upsetting thing,” said Friday’s mom, running her fingers through myfather’s hair..

“He’s a grown man now, not a little boy. I refuse to coddle him,”griped my father.

“Malachi! Stop it!” Said Friday’s mom playfully smacking his arm. I had never seen my father allowanyone to talk to him like that. “You behave, ok?” she said grabbing his chin. He folded his arms andscowled like a petulant child.

“Friday isn’t here, is she?” Whispered Mrs Fenestra. I shook my head. She gave a sigh of relief. Maze? Adeep voice I did not recognise at first called. I tried to place the voice amidst all my confusion.

Thaddeus? I said. Alarm bells went off in my head. Thaddeus had literally never mind-linked me before. Ihad mind-linked him once about Friday. What’s wrong? Where’s Friday? Is she all right? Whathappened?

My heart raced and my breath hitched in my throat. She had just broken her foot. Had she fallen andgotten injured worse?

Relax! She’s fine! She’s the one who asked me to check on you. She said she felt something was wrongwith you, Thaddeus explained.

My little wolf-less Friday had sensed my emotions correctly from miles away. That did not add up. Evenan Alpha would struggle with that unless directly using a mind-link.

I…she’s right…I was upset…but I’ll be fine, Trambled. Something occurred to me. But why do you care,Thaddeus? It’s your day.

Because Friday cares and I care about Friday, said the Alpha.

I thought about that and realised he was right. Something bad happening to Thaddeus would not makeme happy either because it would devastate Friday and her happiness was my happiness. This put

us both in a weird predicament. I pushed those thoughts away.

I did not want Friday to worry too much. She needed her strength to heal. It occurred to me that I hadneglected to tell Friday’s family anything. Friday always seemed to think none of them cared for her but

they should probably know.

“I have to get back to Friday. She’s recovering from a horseback riding accident,” I told them. Friday’smother gasped. My father paled. I had forgotten how much he liked little Friday.

“Is she all right?” Asked Friday’s Mom. “Why didn’t you tell us anything?” My father asked, disgruntled. because sne s wol-less. Sne proke ner root. Sne’s in a cast. inen sne’ll need pnysiotherapy for a fewweeks or months the orthopaedic doctor said,” I explained.

My father nodded gravely. “She’s a brave girl. Wolf-less and horseback riding. She doesn’t let herdelicate nature hold her back,” my father said, sounding and looking impressed which was a sight tobehold because nothing ever impressed him.

Mrs Fenestra was clutching her handkerchief.

“Mrs Fenestra?” I asked. This was going to be a difficult question but Friday deserved the truth. “It seemsthat Mr Fenestra and Friday’s brothers especially Fang were really unkind to her growing up. How couldyou allow that?” I asked, narrowing my eyes a little.

I tried not to sound harsh. I knew how protective Alphas got with their mates and my father was alreadytrying to pull Mrs Fenestra closer to him. She sighed.

“Her father always wanted boys. When I heard that Malachi was courting your mother, I washeartbroken. I wanted to be with someone who would marry me so I wouldn’t waste my life pining awayfor my mate who rejected me,” explained Friday’s mother.

My father winced. “And I wanted to hurt him, my mate,” she admitted. “So I married his Beta, but I endedup hurting myself and Friday in the process.”

“How come you and Friday aren’t close?” I asked outright.

“I think she assumes I share her father’s sentiments but that’s not the case,” said Friday’s mother.

“You put her out of the house for being wolf-less,” I said, my anger rising. “You rejected her and bannedher from the pack house for the same reason,” said her mother.

I flinched. I remembered how little Friday’s face fell when I rejected her on that porch. I had hurt her. Ihad broken her heart. Was she going to break mine at the end of this challenge and ride off into thesunset with Thaddeus? That was a strong possibility. We were growing closer and closer but I knew herand Thaddeus must have a strong bond also.

“I didn’t want to put my only daughter out but Fang and Farris were terrible to her. She was better offwithout them. She had the cottage from my mother to live in. I asked Fang to always get food from thepack house for her,” she said.

I snorted. He definitely did not do that. Friday’s mother paused. “Sorry,” I said. “But Fang did not helpfeed Friday.” Friday’s mother squirmed uncomfortably. My father was listening, stroking his chin. “Poorgirl,” he commented. “Why didn’t you ask me to organise the food for her?”

Friday’s mother sighed. She actually had tears in her eyes. “But Fang told me he dropped stuff off everyFriday…cause her name was Friday. He would even make that stupid joke about it.”

I rolled my eyes. “Fang lied, Mrs Fenestra. I know he’s your son. Sorry,” I added. “Is he a good Beta toyou?” My father asked. “Yeah,” I admitted. “We’re not close but he knows how to keep the pack houseunder control.”

“It’s Friday’s Dad who engineered all this…negativity towards Friday from her brothers. He always calledher the extra child. He never wanted a daughter,” Friday’s mother admitted

My father rubbed her shoulders. “And…I should’ve been stronger to protect Friday from all of that,” shesaid, her eyes brimming with tears.

“Did you genuinely mind that Friday was wolf-less?” I asked. “No,” said Friday’s mom solemnly, a tearslipping down her cheek. “I should have been tougher. I

Friday’s mother sobbed and my father put his arms around her.

“Don’t cry, Mrs Fenestra,” I beseeched her. She quieted a little, leaning on my father. He stroked her hair.

“It’s a long way back to the heart of town and I have to get Felicity home before Farris is done with hispoker game,” said my father dryly.

*I have one more question…ok two more?” I admitted, “All right, Maze,” said my father. Friday’s momnodded encouragingly. “Did the mate-bond ever fade at all after the rejection and getting new partners?”

“In my case, no,” said my father, confirming what I was afraid of. I would never get over Friday if I did notend up with her. “Actually, the bond grew stronger the more time we spent apart. My wolf was goingcrazy. He wouldn’t let me eat or sleep properly until he had his mate somehow.”

That was what had begun to happen to me when Iinitially rejected Friday. I took a deep breath.

“Same with me,” said Friday’s mother. “Except my wolf wasn’t angry at me as I didn’t do the rejection.She was just mournful.” My father flinched again and pulled Friday’s mother even closer to him.

“Last one… how could you…stand to be with anyone else other than your mate when you already knewwhat…completion felt like?” I asked

My father sighed. “It’s not as though the entire marriage with your mother was unenjoyable…” my fatherpaused. He was trying to not offend me or insult my mother and to not hurt his mate all at the same time.“It was just more…carnal. When your mother and I were younger, that was easier to maintain than it isnow. Young people are naturally more hedonistic.”

“So you were attracted to mom but you didn’t love her. With Mrs Fenestra there was love and attraction,”I said more to myself than them but they nodded.

“I wanted to be around Malachi, somehow and I wanted to be a mom. Malachi did offer me children butthey would be illegitimate and I didn’t want that,” Friday’s mother said.

My jaw dropped. My father had wanted to have kids with his mistress of a mate. He was always sostraight-laced. It just did not seem like him.

“Last one I swear…” I added. My father groaned. “How long did you manage to stay away from Friday’smom before you started…visiting her?” I asked.

I wanted an idea of how long would have resisted Friday’s mate-pull had Thaddeus not come along andmade the situation urgent.

“Four days,” my father said simply. Four days? I would not have even lasted the week without Friday if Iwere anything like my father and though I hated to admit it, I was a lot like him.

“It was four days before I let her see me and we spent time together, but it was three days only till i hadto see her again. I hid from her. I watched her from afar,” he said

Friday’s mother chuckled. “This has been enlightening,” I announced.

I nodded at both of them and before I had even turned my back on them, they began kissingpassionately again.

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