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Chapter 954

Karen, the rookie mom, was still all thumbs despite having had a trial run with Abigail and Langston.Luckily, having Dorothy around made her postpartum anxiety a bit more bearable.

When Everett and Jeffrey got back, Dorothy was cradling the baby, and Karen had just dozed offfrom sheer exhaustion.

"How come you didn't get a nanny? You should be taking it easy." Everett said, his concern for hislady evident as he approached.

Dorothy chuckled, "The little one likes me, and besides, Karen wouldn't feel at ease handing her offto a stranger."

"I'll hold him!" Jeffrey, not wanting to disturb Karen's sleep, stepped forward and reached out toDorothy.

She carefully handed the baby over to Jeffrey, trying not to laugh at his awkwardness.

Jeffrey indeed looked lost. Fighting and brawling were one thing, but holding such a tender newbornwas a whole different ball game!

"Everything sorted on your end?" Dorothy asked, more out of politeness than anything. But shecaught a fleeting look of evasion in Jeffrey's eyes as he glanced at Everett.

The latter spoke softly, "Yeah, let's head back."

As Dorothy stood up, she couldn't help but shoot a curious glance at Jeffrey, ultimately swallowingher questions.novelbin

"Alright then."

The ride back was oddly silent. Dorothy didn't speak, and Everett didn't make the first move either.

It was only as they neared Eldorria City's central district that he finally broke the silence, "Dorothy, Iregret not being there for Abigail and Langston when they were born."

Seeing Jeffrey's cautious way with the baby today had struck a chord in him.

"Hey, they're with you every day now. That's not such a big deal." Dorothy reassured him with asmile. "Honestly, I never expected them to warm up to you so quickly, especially Langston!"

Langston thought a lot. With Dorothy being away so often, his view of a father figure was skewed,almost to the point of disdain. Dorothy had been worried it might cause trouble or loss for Everett,but Everett had managed to win his son over in no time! Father and son were now as tight as couldbe, united in everything.

"It's beyond my wildest dreams that you'd have two kids for me."

When he first learned about the kids, the answer was right there before him. It wasn't that hecouldn't guess, but rather... he dared not believe!

That revelation was just too unexpected and too joyful!

"Yeah... I never saw it coming either." At that time, Dorothy truly hadn't wanted the children. Shethought of cutting ties with the Lopez family completely, so when the evidence finally surfaced, therewould be no further entanglements.

Everett, driving, suddenly reached out and took her hand, "Dorothy?"

"Hmm?" She looked over at him.

"After you've recovered... could we maybe have another child?" Everett asked, then quickly addedas if afraid, "I'm just saying. Please don't stress over it. If you don't want to, just tell me! I don'tabsolutely need it."

He just wanted to make up for lost time. He wanted to be like Jeffrey, receiving directly from thedoctor's hands his own child - his and Dorothy's child.

Seeing his eager explanation, Dorothy couldn't help but laugh, "You don't have to go on about it. I'mnot so opposed to the idea of having kids. Seeing how you care for Abigail and Langston, I knowyou're a good dad. You're nothing like Maxton Sanchez."

Though she, like her mother, chose to keep the children, Everett's approach was completelydifferent from Maxton's.

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