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Chapter 802

Dorothy's mind raced for someone who would send her flowers, and Everett was the first personwho came to mind.

But she had told him not to bother with the flowers anymore, right?

So, she carefully inquired, "Did they say who these are from?"

"Nope, no mention. You might want to check for yourself."

The flowers were incredibly heavy, and the security guard just set them down and left.

Dorothy stood up and searched through the roses, hoping to find a card or some clue as to whosent them, but to no avail.

This was making things hard to deal with.

No one had texted to claim the delivery, and Ophelia wasn't due to arrive yet, so it couldn't be her.The only person who had discussed anything flower-related with her recently was Everett, but couldit really be him?

Dorothy considered reaching out to him, but remembered it was the middle of the night over inLiberty City.

Besides, if it was Everett, he would probably mention it when he woke up, or she could just casuallyask Kevin about it later.

With a herculean effort, Dorothy managed to move the enormous bouquet to the side.novelbin

She had a sneaking suspicion that Kevin might have combined all the flowers meant for the variousproject directors and sent them all to her instead.

If she had to take these home after work, she was sure she'd become the hot topic on the forumsonce again.


Today was Jeffrey's day off; he didn't have to work or go to the office. So he and Karen decided tovisit Karen’s family.

It was like ripping off a Band-Aid; better to get it over with than to live in dread.

As they got closer to her parents' neighborhood, Karen’s heart started racing and her palms weresweaty with anxiety.

"You ready to take a hit?" Karen whispered, even though it was just the two of them in the car.

"Yeah, as long as your dad avoids my face and crotch," Jeffrey replied, forcing a laugh to keep themood light.

The elder couple were bound to let off some steam, and with Karen pregnant, they couldn't verywell direct their anger at her. So Jeffrey was prepared to take one for the team. He'd worn extralayers, thinking it might cushion any potential blows just a little.

"I'm scared my dad will go too far."

"He wouldn't, right?" Jeffrey gently touched her still-flat belly. "Would they really want theirgrandchild to grow up without a father?"

Karen rolled her eyes, "You're in a joking mood?"

"What else can I do? Would crying make them feel any better?"

Karen bit her lip. She was too tense to banter and leaned her head against the car window with asigh.

"Look, if you're really too nervous, why don't you stay in the car and let me face that one? You cancome up after I've weathered the storm. How about it?"

Karen gave him a serious look. "Are you for real?" she asked.

Jeffrey nodded vigorously, "Of course! Although I know my wife would stand by me—"

"Then you go up by yourself."

Jeffrey gasped.

"I just can't face them! Just thinking about it terrifies me!" Karen let out a dramatic groan. "In theireyes, I'm still broken up with you. And now, not only am I bringing you home, but I also have to tellthem I'm pregnant!"

God, how she wished she could drag the progress bar of her life and skip this part!

But no matter how fearful she was, the car pulled up outside the complex.

Karen stepped out, still debating whether she should go up with Jeffrey or not. Before they couldreach an agreement, they heard Derek Miller's voice from behind.


Karen froze on the spot.

Jeffrey stiffened as if shot, awkwardly raising his hand in greeting, "Hey! What a coincidence..."

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