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Chapter 744

"Ugh, I didn't hear it over the sizzling in the kitchen."

Dorothy quickly went to check her phone.

Sure enough, there was a missed call, but it was only ten minutes ago.

Ten minutes without answering and Kenneth showed up?

What, did he ride a rocket?

"Is something up with Karen? Still upset over Jeffrey?" Kenneth made himself at home on the sofaas soon as he walked in, his concern for Karen evident in his every word.

He always had a way of keeping just the right distance, never overwhelming Dorothy or steppingover the line.

After a moment's thought, Dorothy nodded. "You could say that."

After all, Karen's lethargy was mostly on account of Jeffrey.

"When she wakes up, I'll have a word with her! She shouldn't have you slaving away in the kitchenfor her. If she's craving something, she could just tell me. You're... you've got enough on your plate,worrying about your mom and all."

"Don't be hard on her! It's just cooking, no big deal." Dorothy was cautious not to even mentionJeffrey's name around Karen these days!

Pregnancy hormones were a wild ride, and with the recent troubles with Jeffrey, any scolding fromKenneth might just push Karen over the edge.

"How about I cook tomorrow then? I can pick up some breakfast on my way over, and I'll handlelunch and dinner." Kenneth offered, then quickly added, "I'll leave right after cooking, won't stay toeat."

"There's no need, Karen will be fine once this blows over."

Dorothy dared not accept.

Aside from propriety, Karen's diet was crucial after her procedure, and if Kenneth took over thecooking, wouldn't he notice something was off?

"Alright then." Kenneth didn't push it. Seeing Dorothy busy herself in the kitchen again, he rolled uphis sleeves and stood up. "Let me help you out."

Dorothy felt awkward, but this was Karen's apartment after all, and Kenneth had paid for it. Shecouldn't very well kick him out.

But his presence did help her make a decision.

She couldn't stay at Karen's place forever. Eldorria City was big enough; she could find her ownplace to rent. At least it would be her own.

By the time Karen woke up, Kenneth was gone.

She stretched and smiled like a child at the sight of a table full of dishes.

"Dorothy, sometimes I really miss our days back at the Prosperity Consortium! Even though you hadto rush to the hospital after work to take care of your mom, we still had our weekends to binge andchill, free from all worries!"

A simple rant about a bad day at work used to do the trick.

Not like now, with a tangled mess of problems.

"Karen, we all have to grow up," Dorothy said as she placed the fork next to her, smiling, "Let's eat."


Karen had just sat down when the doorbell rang.

"Who could that be at this hour?" She got up to answer it, then paused, "It isn't my brother, is it?"

"It shouldn't be. He was just here."

"My brother was here?"

Dorothy nodded.

Karen grimaced and shuffled to the door in her slippers. As soon as she peered through the videointercom, her brows furrowed.

"Who is it?" Dorothy finished setting the table and walked over to see what was wrong.

"It's Jeffrey." Karen glanced at Dorothy and then motioned with her hand across her lips, "Shh, let'skeep it down and pretend we're not home! I don't want to talk to him again."

It was probably just another plea to keep the baby, the kind of talk that drains the spirit.novelbin

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