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Chapter 663

Dorothy was at a loss for words.

Five days of rest? Since when did missed time come with a rain check?

But before she could voice her protest, he was already inside, thrusting into her with a whirlwind ofurgency.

At first, he was gentle, mindful of his size, but as passion took over, his control slipped. His handsgripped her waist, causing Dorothy to wince and instinctively try to escape the discomfort, only to berelentlessly pulled back beneath him.

Exhausted to begin with, Dorothy found herself breathless and powerless under his relentlesspursuit until, in a fit of frustration, she sank her teeth into the flesh of his collarbone.

The pain seemed to spur him on even more, his vigor unwaning.

After a night tangled in the sheets, Dorothy spent the better part of the following day in bed, only tobe roused in the evening by a call from Karen.

"Hello?" Dorothy croaked, her voice a raspy shadow of its usual self.

Karen paused for a good half minute before saying, "Everett really did a number on you, huh? Areyou sure he's supposed to be recuperating in Swevia Country?"

Dorothy was speechless.

"Dorothy, you need to put your foot down! If this keeps up, you'll be weak as hell by the time you getback."

Dorothy massaged her temples, feeling a throbbing headache brewing. "And when you try to stopJeffrey, does he listen?"novelbin

"No, not really."

Taking a deep breath, Dorothy glanced around the hospital room. Everett was nowhere in sight."Did you call for a reason?" She asked.

"Yeah! You know how Jeffrey keeps bringing up marriage; his folks have been asking me about it alot. They're so earnest... it's making me seriously consider saying yes."

Karen was aware of the risks of a flash wedding, yet she could not help being swayed by thesincere and heartfelt look in his eyes every time he brought it up.

It was getting harder and harder for her to say no.

"Do you want to marry him?"

"Alas, I've been wrestling with it myself for days. I just can't seem to come to a decision, so I thoughtI'd get your take. Jeffrey's got a laundry list of flaws; he's not who I pictured myself marrying. But atthe same time, he's unique, and I feel like he really cares about me."

Jeffrey had promised not to mess around, and he stuck to it.

Every day, after returning from the Lopez Corporation, he would stay home with her, watchingmovies and playing video games. Karen noticed how his friends would invite him out for dinner or anight on the town, but he would flatly refuse, saying he needed to be with his girlfriend. There wasnot a hint of reluctance or embarrassment in his voice.

It struck a chord with Karen.

"It's not just about how he treats you; it's about what you feel in your heart. Do you want to spendyour life with him, day in, day out, for decades?"

"Well... if he stays true, then yes, I do."

Karen did not need to sugarcoat things with Dorothy. She could speak her mind freely.

Dorothy understood Karen's hesitation and anxiety, the fear that Jeffrey's feelings might be fleeting.

"Karen, then say yes! Marriage isn't just about signing a document. Life is long and unpredictable. Ifyou both are thrilled at the thought of being together, take the leap. What's the worst that canhappen? Divorce is the bottom line, but at least you'll have loved. No regrets! But if you turn himdown now and it affects your relationship, years down the line, you might wish you had said yes."

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