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Chapter 632

Jeffrey was the picture of embarrassment, wiping the beads of sweat off his brow. "I swear, I had noidea what kind of person Heather was back then! She nearly got me killed with her schemes, allbecause I trusted her too much!"

"What made you trust her then?" Kenneth wasn't born yesterday. He knew exactly what was at playhere. "You had a crush on Heather, didn't you?"

Jeffery fell silent.

"Karen, think about it, is this the kind of guy you want to be with?" Kenneth didn't mince words, hisdirectness leaving the others speechless.

Jeffrey was now sweating bullets.

He almost wished Kenneth would've just socked him. Maybe then, he'd get off the hook by playingthe sympathy card.

"Answer me!" Kenneth raised his voice, repeating the demand.

Startled, Karen murmured like a child caught with her hand in the cookie jar, "Dorothy said shedidn't mind..."novelbin

"So you think it's okay just because she doesn't mind? He turns to chase you because he can't getHeather. And you just say yes?"

Jeffery quickly interjected, "I never chased Heather, I swear it! Yes, I had a little crush on Heather,but it was mostly just friendship because I knew how much she liked Everett. I never stood achance."

"What about Karen? When did you start liking her then? And what are your intentions?" Kennethhad always been protective of Karen, like a big brother or even a father. When she moved toEldorria City, he even bought her a small apartment, showing just how much he liked her.

Getting past him was going to be way tougher than getting past Derek!

"I'm serious about marrying Karen. I'm not kidding."

"Karen, do you believe him?" Both men looked at her expectantly.

She hesitated but eventually nodded.

"Yes, I trust him."

Kenneth clenched his fists, but he didn't swing. Instead, he just twitched his lips, grinding outthrough clenched teeth, "Fine, then I have nothing more to say. But if you break up with him oneday, don't come crying to me about it. And if he ever hurts you, don't expect me to dry your tears!"


"I don't want to hear any promises, Jeffrey. If you're a reliable man, you'll never let Karen down, andI'll believe you. Otherwise, your words mean nothing to me."

With that, Kenneth turned to leave.

Karen dashed forwards, chasing Kenneth down to the stairwell before she could catch him.

"Kenneth! I know what you're upset about. You think I betrayed Dorothy, right? I haven't! I checkedwith Dorothy over and over, and she's okay with me and Jeffrey. If Dorothy really cared, I neverwould've said yes to Jeffrey."

It wasn't about how important Jeffrey was. She would never forsake her longtime best friend over aguy she just met.

"Karen, it's your decision. I can't make it for you. I just don't want to see you hurt by a playboy."

"Don't worry, I can take care of my own heart! If he betrays his promises, he won't get a secondchance from me." Karen didn't want to upset her brother, who meant the world to her. "Trust me,please. If you don't believe me, you can ask Dorothy yourself when she visits Bella's gravetomorrow."

Kenneth paused, looking at her. "She's going to the cemetery tomorrow?"

"Yeah. I think she's going with Everett."

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