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Chapter 581

Jeffrey scooped up the oncoming Langston in one swift move, lifting him off the ground effortlessly.

"Mr. Turner, you woke up from the hospital?" Langston's eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Yep! And look who's come to see me," Jeffrey teased as he playfully pinched Langston's nose. "Mylittle champ even made a wish for me to wake up, huh?"

Jeffrey genuinely adored Langston, the kid was sharp as a tack and bore an uncanny resemblanceto Everett!

As they started catching up, Karen led Abigail over to join them reluctantly.

Jeffrey pretended to be casual as he greeted, "Here to pick up Dorothy?"


"And this must be Abigail?" Jeffrey's eyes lit up as he looked at the little girl Karen was holding bythe hand.

Abigail’s skin was porcelain-white, her big double-lidded eyes and rosy lips made her the spittingimage of a delicate doll!

There was hardly a soul who wouldn't marvel at Abigail's prettiness.

Karen simply responded with a distant monosyllabic, "Yeah."

Jeffrey didn’t bother to argue. He walked over to Abigail and gently caressed her cheek, saying,"You look more like your mom! I'm jealous of Everett, that lucky dog. He's got both Abigail andLangston, and here I am, without a single munchkin of my own!"

He threw a pointed glance at Karen, who seemed to ignore his comment completely.

Walking side by side toward the arrivals lounge, they barely spoke. Jeffrey didn’t initiateconversation, and Karen certainly wasn’t going to start one.

Finding a spot to sit down, Karen pulled out two candy bars from her bag and handed them toAbigail and Langston.

Watching Karen alternating between kissing Abigail and playfully roughhousing with Langston,Jeffrey thought to himself that if they ever had kids, she’d make a wonderful mother. Surprisingly,she seemed to really enjoy being around children.

"Ahem." Jeffrey cleared his throat subtly to catch her attention.

"What is it?" Karen finally looked up.

"Oh, just wondering... how about that thing you were considering? It’s over a week’s time now,"Jeffrey prodded.

Karen had not reached out to him in the past week, and he hadn't made the first move either, mainlybecause he felt he’d already made enough of a fool of himself without any sign of her relenting. Hefigured it was time to salvage some dignity.

"It's the same as before," Karen said, with a nonchalance that suggested she was talking about theweather rather than their relationship.

"Still the same issue?"


"Karen, I used to be a party animal, but I swear I’ve changed! I’ve been at work during the day andstraight back home after it. I’ve even ignored invites to go out for drinks – you can check my chathistory!"

He had even turned down his buddies who came to his doorstep, enticing him to hit the bars. Jeffreywas trying to prove a point, to show Karen he was serious about change.

"Even if you swear off partying forever, it wouldn't change anything between us. Jeffrey, I just don'tlike you. How can you not see that?" Karen didn't want to be so blunt, especially with the kids there.novelbin

Jeffrey clenched his jaw.

"You once said you liked my face."

"That was strictly about your face! And now look at this scar, all thanks to Heather. It's just irksometo me."

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