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Chapter 509

Chapter 509

Jeffrey could feel his blood boil at the mere utterance of that name.

“What’s the deal? You guys used to be thick as thieves, right?”

“She kidnapped Dorothy’s kid and had it out for Dorothy. When she didn’t get her loved one at last, shejust stabbed Everett in a fit of madness and planned to go down with him!”

“You mean Heather?”

“Who else would I be talking about?”

Silence hung on Lane’s end of the line, and just as Jeffrey was about to conclude the call had dropped,Lane rushed out, “Something’s come up, gotta run.”

The abrupt end to the call only added to Jeffrey’s irritation.

On Lane’s end, his grip on his phone was precarious. He feared Jeffrey might discern something fromhis demeanor, so he hung up out of panic.

Lane had sensed something was off with Everett; otherwise, the Lopez Corporation wouldn’t besending a junior secretary to handle partnership meetings, and they wouldn’t have locked down theCity Hospital. Therefore, he assumed that Everett was injured.

Lane figured Dorothy, who vanished afterwards, had gone to Everett’s side.

But Lane had never in a million years imagined that Heather, of all people, would be the mastermindbehind it all. So she really had the gall to kidnap Dorothy’s daughter… but she had sworn to him thatshe wouldn’t lay a finger on Dorothy or her kids!

No wonder he couldn’t get through to Dorothy; Heather, that madwoman, must’ve spilled the beansabout him!

“Damn it, how could I be so stupid?!” Lane cursed and hurled his phone. The screen was instantlyshattered and blanking out.

Grabbing his suit jacket and car keys, he stormed over to Heather’s place.

But no one answered his relentless knocking or the doorbell, which was just like the silence he got fromcalling her number.

Lane wasn’t going to stand for it. He was being sidelined before he even had a chance to act. He had awhole plan laid out and all Heather needed to do was play along.

Driving back home, deflated, Lane saw his secretary waiting anxiously at his doorstep. She wasobviously bearing bad news.

Stepping out of the car, Lane approached, “What’s up?”

Seeing Lane, the secretary looked on the verge of tears, “I couldn’t reach you by phone, so I had tocome. Disaster struck. The president of the Lopez Corporation tanked East Star Enterprises‘ stock torock bottom and announced its dissolution out of the blue.”

Lane was shocked to hear what she said!

“Your shares had taken such a hit that they are not even worth a tenth of what they were when youacquired them.”

That meant all his years of toil had evaporated overnight into meaningless numbers.

Everett played hardball by leaving him no room to breathe and aiming straight for the jugular.

“Mr. Lane, what do we do now?”

Fists clenched in fury, Lane was at the brink of rage. But then, his anger subsided a little.

He wouldn’t burn his bridges like what Heather, that moron did. If he thought it through, there had to bea way to bite them back. hard.novelbin

Patience. His time would come.

Laid up in the hospital, Everett had to delegate much of his workload to Kevin. This unexpecteddowntime gave him a rare opportunity to mentor Dorothy hands–on.

“Why the due diligence is riddled with problems every time I think I’ve done a thorough work? Is there away to make sure the other party doesn’t dare to decelve?” Dorothy was poring over contracts on hislaptop in search of their patterns.

“You want to know the secret?”


Everett chuckled, “And what’s in it for me?”

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