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Chapter 475

Chapter 475

As soon as Dorothy pushed open the door to the ICU. Everett’s frail voice resched her eath.

“I need to see. Dorothy…”

“I’m here Everett I’m here, she quickly propelled her wheelchair forward, racing to tra bedside.

Eventi struggled to tum his face toward her, and it was only upon seeing Dorothy that he seemed totruly relax, the sension in his brow dissolving into relief.

He tried to reach out to touch Dorothy but the tubes tethered to his hand prevented him Dorothypushed herself up from the wheelchair with effort managing to grasp his hand with a smile. “Don’t youworry! We’ve got all the time in the world, and I be right here with you!” Everett’s gaze lingered on thebruse maning her check. “My parents…”

“Your parents agreed to let me care for you. How else do you think I got in her

Though Everett was confused, the presence of Dorothy by his side was all he needed at thenovelbin

Soon after, Everett’s parents arrived.

Amanda clutched her son’s hand, weeping openly. “Everett, its all my fault. I never imagined Heatherwould do something so rash! If anything had happened to you, I won’t be able to live on!”

“The patient needs quiet Please keep it down” the doctor reminded her gently

Jonathan, womed his wife might faint again, arranged for someone to take her back home.

“When can he be fee of all these monitors? he asked the doctor.

In a few days, but he can be moved out of ICU and into a reqular room, the fema e doctor replied, hereyes ficking to Dorothy with a suppressed since. With his guardian angel by his side, Mc Lopez shouldrecover quite quickly

Jonathan’s brows furrowed, not wanting to admit it but unable to deny Dorothy’s importance to his son.“That’s great news. Everett, Im going to check on your mother.”

Karen, watching the tender dependency between Dorally and Everett, felt her eyes well up withemotion. If only she could experience such a passionate love, it would be worth any prize!

“What are you crying for Jeffrey glanced at her, deliberately keeping his distance as il Karen cannedsome contagion

He was truly wary of this worhan.

“Is it any of your business Karen shot back, about to remind Dorothy not to stay in her current half–sitting position in the wheelchair as it wasn’t good for her recent leg surgery

Jeffrey, seeing this, quickly stepped in and pulled her back, “Where do you think youre going?”

“Dorothy’s just had surgery on her leg, she can’t stay like that!”

“Can’t you see they’re in their own world right now? Don’t interrupt. Come with me.”

“Hey!” Koren was dragged out of the ICU by Jeffrey, not stopping until they reached the hospital’sground floor

“Do you have to be so handsy when you talk?” Karen glared at him fiercely. “Just lucking at you mindsme of Heather’s face. You are both bad people!”

Jeffrey was of a loss for words, itching with frustration. “Can you not mention Heather when I’maround?”

The Tumer family was still uncovering the truth behind his car accident, but Jeffrey already had ahunch. That’s why he didn’t object to Karen’s careless question earlier

“Oh, touched a nerve, have I just wanted you not to disturb them. Everett’s all woven up; they needsome privacy. You always ding in useless chatter!” Jeffrey’s headache intensified

In stark contrast to Karen’s volatile demeanor, Dustry indeed seemed like the picture of normalcy

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