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Chapter 431

Chapter 431

“Everett, cut the crap!”

The man on the receiving end of the scolding just shrugged nonchalantly, pinching out the last embersof his cigarette.

“I’m just weighing my options here, seeing if a peck on the cheek is worth getting bitten.”

Dorothy pretended she hadn’t heard his blasphemous remark and kept her gaze fixed firmly on thepavement ahead.

But Everett had a dead–serious look on his face, as if he were negotiating the finer points of a businessdeal. Is there a limit to the number of kisses per day?”

Dorothy struggled for a response.

She was convinced that Everett was possessed or something

The news of Dorothy returning to work at Lopez Corporation spread quickly, reaching Heather’s ears asshe clocked out from the legal department

Heather was rooted to the spot, her mind racing. As soon as she heard the news, she knew thatEverett never had a new bride; there was only ever Dorothy, his lingering old flame!

She hadn’t even sorted things out with Jeffrey, and now there was a new complication.

In the midst of her irritation, her phone suddenly rang.

A strange number flashed on the screen.

Heather was tempted to ignore it, but worried it might be critical information from the other side,unsuitable for the regular contact number

Moreover as it was her personal phone and outside of working hours, she didn’t think it would beunacceptable to answer the call.

Hesitating for a moment, she finally pressed the answer button.

A male voice came from the other end, “Is this Heather Garcia?”novelbin

“Yes, it’s me. Who is this?

“My name is Lane, from East Star Enterprises.”

Heather’s brow furrowed in annoyance. She didn’t know the man, but she was familiar with East StarEnterprises–that was the company Dorothy worked at! Everett suddenly wanting to buy it out wasundoubtedly for that wornan,

“How did you get my number? And what do you want?”

She had to be cautious; her position was precaricus, and for all she knew this caller could beinvestigating her.

“Of course, I’ve got a proposition! Do you have time for a face–to–face meeting?”

“Sorry, I’m not available for a meeting in person. Let’s talk over the phone.”

“I got your number from Jeffrey’s phone! There’s no need to question my motives; it’s just to discusssome collaborative matters with you!” Lane chuckled lightly on the other end. “Maybe I didn’t explainmyself properly… Well, I’m interested in Dorothy. I want to win her


Heather was taken aback, her grip tightening on the phone, “And what does that have to do with me?”

“If Everett reconciles with Dorothy, I’d be left out in the cold, wouldn’t I? And I’m sure you wouldn’t wantto see that happen either.

Of course, she wouldn’t want tol

But she couldn’t reveal it to anyone else.

I’m a friend of Everett’s. If he’s happy with Dorothy, why wouldn’t I want to see that?”

“Ms. Garcia, let’s just be frank! In a way, we’re on the same side. I want Dorothy, and you want Everell.We could work together,” Lane paused, then continued, “You don’t have to pretend with me. I’m sureyou understand the nature of Everett and Dorothy’s relationship better than anyone. Without you, itwould be quite difficult for me to split them up, and without me, you’d also have a hard time.”

Heather laughed, maintaining her facade, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Dorothy had a daughter for him after their divorce! Just imagine what would happen if Everett foundout”

“What?! Dorothy had a child with Everett!

“I can show you pictures of the child, but I think we need to meet face–to–face. What do you say?”

“Send me the location.”

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