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Chapter 428

Chapter 428

Despite her reservations, Dorothy couldn’t bring herself to bite again after tasting blood. She was leftstruggling, not having the heart to bite again.

It wasn’t until Kenneth strode over from across the way and punched Everett’s shoulder that the twowere finally separated!

Everett staggered back a few steps, while Kenneth, his face flushed with rage, was ready to punch himagain, completely devoid of


Seeing this, Dorothy quickly intervened.

“Kenneth, stop! Dont hit him!”

Kenneth managed to halt his fist in time, looking up at Dorothy.

Her lips were flushed red after the kiss, with faint traces of blood still visible, evidence of Everett’sintense passion!

It was clear that this had been a show for Kenneth.

“Dorothy, he’s bullying you!”

“No, that’s not it! Kenneth, please go back to the car, I’ll come to you in a bit!”

Dorothy certainly didn’t want the two men to come to blows! After all, Kenneth was no match forEverett. Whether it strength or social standing.


Kenneth, frustrated, glanced towards Everett who was not too far away.

I was physical

Everett, his long fingers wiping the blood from his lips, locked eyes with him, his gaze def ant andthumphant, like a victor assured of his win!

“Kenneth, let me handle this, okay? We’ve got our appointment with Byte 7 today. We can’t miss out onimportant stuff! We’ll talk about this later!”

Dorothy dreaded the thought of their meeting being delayed because of this confrontation, and shefeared that Everett might harm Kenneth

After all, this was in front of the Lopez Building in Eldoria City, Everett’s domain.

Kenneth was grinding his teeth in anger, but ultimately, he could do nothing but tum around and stormback to his car.

However, he didn’t leave; the car remained parked there.

Once she confirmed Kenneth was gone, Dorothy turned back to Everett, frowning in disapproval.

“What are you trying to do? This is harassment!”

“Why don’t you call the cops then, have me arrested.” Everett’s lips, broken by Dorothy’s bite,continued to bleed, and with a cocky tilt of his mouth matched with a neatly tailored suit, he lookedevery part of the unhinged CEO.

Dorothy was speechless; even now, he was still smiling!

“You really think I won’t?”

“Yeah, you won’t.” Everett’s tone was certain, his eyes never leaving her face.

Faced with Everett’s shamelessness, Dorothy felt both unfamiliar and helpless. In the end, she couldonly resort to her last–ditch threats, which had worked earlier in the day to free herself. “Mr. Lopez,don’t tell me you think this will make me worry about you. I urged Kenneth to leave because I wasafraid you’d hurt him, not because…..”novelbin

“If you didn’t care, why didn’t you let Kenneth continue?” Everett cut her off and started closing thedistance with long strides, comering her. “Dorothy, you couldn’t even bring yourself to bite me a secondtime!”

Her deepest feelings were exposed, and her face stiffened

“Dorothy.” Everett closed the gap quickly, backing Dorothy into a light comer, forcing her to look at him.“Tell me what really happened back then. I want to know the truth.”

Dorothy didn’t want to look at him, because in front of Everell, it seemed all her emotions wereimpossible to hide!

But Everett lifted his hand, holding her chin firmly, refusing to let her look away.

“Dorothy, tell me, whatever it is, we’ll face it together.”

He had said those words before.

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