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Chapter 326

Chapter 326

Lane narrowed his eyes as he watched Hayden’s actions. He sensed that there was more to the storythan Hayden was letting on.

Normally, if Dorothy had really left in the middle of their meeting, she would have at least saidsomething. Wouldn’t Hayden have gone looking for her when she didn’t return? Why did he leaveinstead?

He must have left because he had something to hide.

As Hayden turned around, he met Lane’s probing game. He quickly averted his eyes, lookingsomewhat guilty.

When Ms. Sanchez gets back, I need to take her to the hospital for a blood test, I need to see whatkind of liquor you’ve really been serving her”

A blood test?

Hayden panicked.

“sn’t that a bit extreme? What’s the point of a blood test?

t? I just served her some fine wine, nothing more”

“Who knows what else was in that wine? I bet there was something that shouldn’t have been there”Lane scoffed. “We’re both veterans in the business world. We know the tricks of the trade, I sent Ms.Sanchez to you becaused trusted you. I thought there wouldn’t be any incidents, but you went aheadand got my employer drunk. I have to investigate this.”

With that, Lane made to leavE

Hayden quickly blocked his way with a forced smile on his face ‘Look, I did my best to find her! I didn’tdo anything to her I just served her some wine!”

“I know for sure once I check

“Come on Lane. We’re both businessmen. Well need to cooperate in the future. Don’t take this too farHayden’s expression changed, and his eyes. darkened “I said I didn’t do anything You’ve got to saveme some dignity”

“You messed with my employee, and you want me to save you some dignity?

“She’s just a project director.. AM”

Before Hayden could finish speaking, Lane landed a punch on him.

Hayden staggered back and hit

ral. “Lane, you’re throwing punches over a woman?!

1 told you already that she’s my employer. It seems you still don’t understand”

Hayden fell silent.

“You think we will cooperate in the future? You’re overthinking Not only will not cooperate with VerityHoldings Limited, but also make you pay the price

As soon as Lane’s words left his mouth, Hayden’s secretary tushed in.

“Bad news, Hayden! Our stock market is plummeting rapidly. Several partners have called to terminatetheir contracts!”

Hayden immediately turned to Lane

But the latter seemed just as surprised as him

Lane hadn’t taken action get, and even if he had, he wouldn’t have the resources to completely crushVerity Holdings Limited.

After all Verny Holdings Limited was an established company. It had a decent reputation locally, and itsannual projects were always worth at least tens of millions lis stock market had always been stable.

Now, someone was choking Verity Holdings Limited, leaving it no chance to fight back or ask for help.

“Lane did…did you do this?

“No, but it seems like you’re getting your just desserts”

So, it wasn’t just him who wanted to take down Verity Holdings Limited

Inside Black Bentley, Everett coldly delegated tasks to his employees.

He was only in Harenbrook City temporary, soat of his instructions had to be given online

Kewn called at this moment. ” Lopez, everything’s been taken care of.”

“Good. I want Venty Holdings Limited to disappear completely

When Everett picked up Dorothy yesterday, he truly thought she was just simple

The wine definitely had something in it.

There was no need to guess what else happened. Who else would serve Dorothy spiked wine?


when she started acting crazy later, he realized that it wasn’t that


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