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Chapter 293

Chapter 293

“It’s none of your business” Again, he spoke to her coldly.

Heather could never understand Everett What did she lack? When it came to her feelings for him andher contributions to the Lopez Corporation, how was she any less than Dorothy?!

He was supposed to be hers!

In his office, Everett had just sat down when Kevin messaged him that everything was arranged.

He opened his laptop and quickly scanned the documents on the screen. His gaze uncontrollably fellon the report from the branch office about the Everglow City’s Resort project.

Had the project entered its second phase already?

How was her injury healing?

Had Kenneth been visiting her in the hospital?

As he thought about this, a self–mocking smirk appeared on Everett’s thin lips. He felt unbearablypathetic, more so than he had when he was trying to win Dorothy over.

What was even more humiliating was that he was simultaneously taking out his phone and dialingJeffrey’s number.

After a few rings, Jeffery picked up What’s up? Can’t handle the company on your own?

Everett rubbed his forehead in frustration. It seemed like the words he wanted to say got stuck in histhroat

From the other end of the line, the sounds of an airport announcement could be heard.

“You’re leaving Everglow City?”

“Yeah, there’s not much left to do here I need to get back to help you out at the company

Everett drummed his fingertips on his desk. He remained silent until Jeffrey thought he had hung up.Then he finally spoke in a low voices Dorothy… Is she healed?”

“Oh, so that’s what you wanted to ask!” Jeffrey exclaimed, “She’s doing great! She’s swimming throughthe company like a fish in water. Many male superiors are relentlessly chasing her, just like you. Itseems more than a few are pouring their hearts out for her. Anyone wanting to care for her would haveto get in line.”

“Jeffrey, I’m being serious.”

“And I’m answering seriously Dorothy’s injury is healed, and she’s back on the project. She’s thriving inher career and swimming happily in love. Not only has she married, but in the second year after yourdivorce, she..”

Jeffrey’s statement hang in the ar

He suddenly remembered what Lane had said to him, which made a lot of sense

Since he knew how much his good friend, Everett, cared about Dorothy, he realized that if he found outthat she had not only married in a hurry but also had a daughter, his mental state would definitely takea hit.

So why bother telling him?

“And then what?”

“And then she forgot about you? Jeffrey sighed as he gave him advice. “Everett, you’re so outstandingthat the line of women wanting to chase you could reach all the way to France. Let go of Dorothy. Youheard it yourself, she openly declared her love for her husband. You can’t possibly want to be thehomewrecker, right?”

Everett was silent. He didn’t utter a single word. He hung up after nearly a minute.

Jeffrey didn’t need to tell him this. He had already repeated it to himself countless times. But it seemednot to work.

Suddenly, the ringing of a phone broke the silence in the office.

Everett glanced at his phone instinctively, realizing it wasn’t his that was ringing, but another one.

He lit up the screen, revealing an unread message on WhatsApp.

It was a message from Dorothy.

[Hello, sir, I’m the owner of the car that you bumped into in Everglow City. My car has been repaired,and I’ve refunded the remaining money to you. Here’s a photo of the receipt)novelbin

Along with it, a picture of her holding the receipt was attached.

This must be her personal WhatsApp. Everett could see the wound on Dorothy’s finger when hezoomed into the picture.

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