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Chapter 262

Chapter 262

Suddenly, she saw a fiqure approaching

George stormed over is het all ques blazing Without ullering a word, he snatched her phone and hurledit away with all his might

In no time, the phone was smashed into smithereens.

At this moment, Dorothy realized that she had underestimated how aggressive these people would be

“You‘ intentionaly damaging my property and that’s legal‘ She said

“And what about you? Aren’t you swinding the common folk out of the hard earned money? How muchis your phone worth anyway?

Dorothy furrowed her brons. If you believe you’re in the night, then why don’t you let me call the police?You should want me to get them here to see justice served

“Who knows if you ve got the cops in your pocket or if you’ve greased their palms?! George roaredbefore turning to the crowd “Do you see this?! This lady’s in catnois with the people who are coping meoff She’s the boss, so she’s probably pocketing our cash!”

Hearing this, a few bly men instantly lunged at Dorothy

It was early morning, and the security staff hadn’t started their shift yet. Austin tried to intervene, but hewas no match for these construction workers, who were used to hard physical labor

“Hey what are you doing? Assault is illegal Dorothy retreated a few steps, but lost her footing and fell tothe ground

Before she could ter anether word, she felt a searing par from in her scalpnovelbin

Looking up, she saw a man clutching her hair intent on dragging her into the crowd.

Dorothy tried to resist, but more hands reached towards her. Austin couldn’t escape either, he waspunched and fell to the ground

She wanted to scream for help, but she knew that it was unlikely anyone would come to her rescue at aconstruction site at this time.

Pain spread quickly from various parts of her body.

A punch landed on the back of her head, and Dorothy felt the world spin amund her. Herconsciousness was slowly fading

She tried to stay alert, knowing that she could be beaten to death by these angry men. But it was asevere blow and her body wasnt responding.

In a daze, Donthy heard a familiar, deep voice

“Don’t be afraid, it’s me… I’m here……..

Dorothy tell her body becoming lighter. It was like she could float

She Ined to reach out for something, but her body didn’t respond.

She couldn’t move a muscle

The more Dorothy ined to move the more she fell comtrained.

Then she suddenly heard a doctor’s voice near her ear.

“The patient has a severe concussion. She may experience headaches and vomiting when she wakesup You should keep a close eye on her.”

“We understand”

I must be the nurse speaking

Dorothy thed to mow her fingers, and after a while, she slowly opened her eyes.

All she could see was a glaringly white ceiling and the smell of disinfectant filled the room. It wasunpleasant

it seemed like she was stil dive

“Oh, you’re awake” The nurse noticed her first and quickly called the doctor over

After conducting several checks and confirming she was fine, the ductor finally breathed a sigh of relie

Dorothy could even see the beads of sweat on his forehead

Was it really that senous? She wasn’t anyone important

She matched as the doctor relaxed and quickly walked out, saying “Quick! Tell him that she’s okay.Now!‘

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