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Chapter 257

Chapter 257

cher name. His gaze was deepening, and an indescribable feeling was stirring within him.

Just as he’d resolved to let po late had orchestrated another encounter with her

1 years? Kevin asked cautiously

ML Lopez? Would you like me to further investigate Ms. Sanchez’s actes over these past ye

He could ure out what prett was thinking and he daredesquels. Alla all, Ms Sancher was seriform

“No need” Everell paused for a fri seconds before adding. “Not for now!

Heeded to think clearly about what he should do and what he truly world.

Arhanging up the phone Everett pound himself a glass of red we, the rodents the floor to ceilingwindows of his hotel som podglass hom

The small town was very quiet at night, a stark comeast to the hustle and bustle of the top city.

Everett took a sp of his wine. The tatt taste washed over hos palate and trickled down his throat as heslowly lost himself in thought.

The breeze wating through the window brought him to his series

Reason dictated that, since he had made up his mind to give up boothy he should change his mind ineasily

Seeing Dorothy pain was a test of his resolve

That was right. This was just a testnovelbin

Feeling that the wind wasnt strong enough to clear his mind, were set down wine glass, threw on arandom jacket and left his room.

Down on the hotel’s ground floor, the night wind blew stronger due to the absence of pedestrians andarticles. The tall trees on either side of the soal didn’t provide much shelter, making the wind feel evenmore powerful

Powerful enough to bring him some sp

Everett stood there on the road in front of the hotel. His tall figure seemed somewhat lonely as hisjacket flapped in the wind like it was trying to break free

Suddenly, he heard footsteps aDDYDAK

Everett instinctively looked toward the sound it was the little girl with eyes like Dorothy

She was dressed in a blue puff dress and also staying at the Dreamscape Hotel

Everen besdated, then decided to approach her. He souvent dran in front of her and asked, “Hey kidda,where alt your pan

Abigail was clearly started

She quickly exter her chubby little hand, signaling for Eve to be quiet

dont have a Daddy and Mommy’s working She’s very busy and can’t play with me, so i came down toplay by myself. You mustn’t tell my e

That phrase could easily make one think of unhyrcumstances


pr?witched, and on an impulse, he reached out to pat Abigals head. ‘Okay, I monil tell. But can’t findyou

But you can leave the hotel otherwise, your mommy will w

Abigal pouted and blinked her big beautiful eyes, making her look all the more paful “an Burl want tobuy candy! I can leave the tel As she spoke took out a five dollar bel and wareda, a little

Het aunt Karen had given her the money as a reward, telling her she could buy candy with it, whichAbigail remembered vindy. When Aunt Kasen del asleep alusleker mommy was will buy working thetruck out with the manej

but now this strange sun was not letting her leave the hotel.

Typical of a child, het stences were disorganized and incoherent.

Her pleading eyes made impossible for Exetell to say no to her.

“Alright Thert, III take you back to your hotel room and ask your mommy. If she agees,

take you to buy candy”

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