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Chapter 253

Chapter 253

Aulet’s try be nice and give him a chance.”

Dorothy the dama had unfolded enough, so it was time to reel it back in She intervened then shotGeorge look, signaling him to leave once Once George hastily leh, Austins expression shified fromseething anger to a broad and beaming smile

“My Sanchez admire you‘

“What’s there to admire? He was Someone’s waiting for me”

after more money so it was obvious a threat of jail would calm him down” Dorothy glanced at the clock.Austin, I have to gonovelbin

Austin chuckled. “Oh, in your husband in Everglow City!”

“Yes” De nodded and added, “He doesn’t have much time, so better gol

“Sire, go ahead Next time, bring him along Let’s grab a meal together.”

Laughing, Dorothy nodded and left

To the world, she had to claim to be in a commited relationship. Firstly because she had a child and ifshe claimed otherwise, i father. What if someone pomed towards Everett? God forbid

up speculation about her child’s

Secondly, it served as a detement for me in the workplace who tried to hit on her She didnt in work andearning as much money as possible, nothing else mattered

(the time or energy to entengen them. She just wanted to focus on her

Once in her car Dorothy called Karen

“At the night market There’s a street performer here, who Abigail

The night market was incredibi

are nearby. Are you done with your won

bisy, so karm hatta mase

Dorothy has been to the right market only once so she had a vague memory of the place

I’m done. I’m on my way now. Keep your phone hand. III call you! I can’t find you?

After ending the call, Dorothy took a deep breath and started the

Everglow City’s a night market was bustling As night fell, many sleepless souls found solace there asother faces were shut for the right

alt armed, the crowd was thinning wasnt a weekend so this was to be expected

His chauffeur parked the car by the roadside, and to end in Everett wore a cap before stepping out

Howet his tall and broad figure did attract a few states in this little southern

The chauffeur, a local recommended a v popular and delicious local snacks to Evere

Everett bought them all but didn’t eat any

“Mr. Lopez, being a seems tough you must be red all day, right? The chutte med to sink up aconversation, so he made sure he was tea and caulius He feared any stupid remarks might upset hispassenger

“Not really. I’m used to it Everett handed over the snacks to him. Here. These are for you

“All forme? The chauffeur was surprised


Everett couldn’t convince himself to try the socks. The neat freak part of him would allow Upon seeingthe chauffeur’s delight over the snacks, Everett couldnt help but crack a urrala ári mell Suddenly hisgaze fell upon a little girl behind the chauffeur.

entrance of the Dreamscape Hotel

Her recognizable double bun hairstyle, her marshmallow like face, and those familiar big eyes.

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