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Chapter 978

Chapter 978

After all, it wasn’t difficult for those in the company with a bit of knowledge of their director’s past todiscover that Lillian was his ex-girlfriend. There were even many videos of the pair that circulated onthe internet back then.

He had straight-off whisked Lillian away when she was swarmed by reporters who accused her ofbeing the other woman in a relationship. His show of domineering protectiveness had even sparked a

discussion among the company’s insiders as to whether Lillian would successfully secure a position ashis wife and elevate her status.

None of them had foreseen Callum returning to Jacaster all alone.

Therefore, most of the speculators had assumed that Lillian had lost her chance. Yet, she showed upagain looking for Callum.

Lillian blinked her doe eyes at Callum and said, “Well… Why don’t we have our conversation in youroffice? I’m sure you wouldn’t want others to know what things of mine are in your possession.” “What ifI don’t mind? Pray tell, what is it that you’re referring to?” Callum was on a short fuse.

“Are you sure about that?” Lillian hesitated.

“By all means.”

Hence, Lillian cleared her throat. “The things I left behind include the ginger and lemon tea you boughtme, sanitary pads, and-”

“Enough!” Callum’s expression was dour as he interrupted Lillian and raised his hand to massage thecorner of his forehead. “My office, right now!” It felt like his emotions were always on a rollercoaster ride

whenever he came across her.

A victorious smile crept across Lillian’s features as she hurriedly trailed after Callum toward his office.She didn’t forget to bring the snacks along before departing.

“The free snacks White Maple Group offers their employees are not bad at all!” she commentedinternally.

The company employees who overheard what Lillian had said, on the other hand, exchanged glancesand were dumbfounded that Callum would actually purchase such things for someone.novelbin

It didn’t fit his image at all.

Callum turned to glare at Lillian, who was behind him after entering the office. “You…”

“I said these things as an excuse just to see you. But it was true that I’d left them in your mansion anddidn’t bring them with me initially.” Her voice became softer under his death stare.

“I’ve disposed of them long ago. I hope you don’t expect me to keep them after so many years havepassed.” Callum huffed.

“Have you also thrown away the pillows, cups, and slippers with the couple designs too?” Lillian blurted


It had been her first time being in a relationship. Therefore, she was exceptionally fond of trinkets

designed for couples. She would often purchase and place them in Callum’s mansion.

Callum ended up using those things she bought despite initially eyeing them

à di infully.

Case in point, he would drink his coffee using the cup with the couple’s design she bought and prop hisback with the pillow she bought whenever he read on the couch while wearing another one of herpurchases, a pair of fluffy Mickey Mouse slippers. Lillian’s slippers naturally had Minnie Mouse as itsdesign.

She had even joked about bringing their children to Disneyland once they had them.

“They’re gone too,” Callum proclaimed unhesitantly.

Lillian’s face turned pale, and she bit her lip lightly. She recollected herself after a moment and brushedit off brightly, “It doesn’t matter. I’ll just repurchase them when I get the chance next time.”

Callum was mildly upset. “What exactly do you want? I thought we had already made it clear yesterday.You can approach my secretary if you need money. Otherwise, leave Jacaster as soon as possible and



return to Strico, where you belong.”

He didn’t want her to appear before him again, as it rattled his feelings severely.

Lillian stretched out her hand to gingerly tug at Callum’s sleeve. “Callum, won’t you forgive me? I hadno idea that you were under the influence of curse, nor was I aware that you’d knelt on the ground andpleaded humbly to Madeline for my sake. I thought you dated her solely to obtain White Maple Groupwhile the truth was to save me.”

Her heart was filled with guilt as she spoke.

He had done so much for her, yet she hadn’t known anything about it.

Callum’s eyes flickered imperceptibly as she added, “I did think of having an abortion back when I wasclueless about everything and wanted nothing to do with you. I feared that I would think of you andmight never stop loving you whenever I saw the child if it was born. But…”

She paused and fixed her doe eyes on him. “I couldn’t bring myself to undergo the abortion after youleft that day. When I lay on the operating table and heard the doctor asking me to confirm if I wanted toproceed with the surgery, I screamed no because it was our child growing inside me. We used to talkabout giving birth if I ever got pregnant.”

She still felt a lingering terror upon recalling the incident and how close she’d been to losing her child.Callum’s sooty eyes met Lillian’s. Their depths were so murky that his thoughts were simplyindecipherable.

Lillian raised her hand timidly and slowly stretched it toward Callum’s cheek.

Callum’s eyes narrowed, but he didn’t duck from her. Her hand gently touched his cheek as shedesired. “Is it finally no longer painful when I touch you like this right now?”

His eyes darkened even further. “So what? If you hadn’t made me lose all hope, I wouldn’t have let yougo, regardless of how much pain it caused. Now that my heart is dead and numb, your painless touchno longer means anything to me.”

“That’s a lie!” Lillian couldn’t help but hug Callum tight. “Madeline mentioned that the excruciating painit took to be cleansed of the curse was like having one’s bones and tendons severed. Besides, it wasn’ta one-off undertaking. Instead, the pain would worsen with each curse cleansing session. Yet, you’dput up with all that for me, am I right?”

“Yes. I had indeed endured all of it for your sake. I was even prepared to forfeit my life back then. I wasthinking about seeing you if I survived to fulfill my promise of giving you a blissful life. If I died, however,

my assets would be used to set up a fund with you and the child as my beneficiaries. Both of you wouldhave never had to worry about finances in this lifetime.”

Lillian was shocked to hear this. Her mind was spinning. “So this is the truth.” While he hadn’t told heranything about it, everything was already planned.

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