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Chapter 973

Chapter 973

She even chose to give up her life twice for his sake. It was evident that she had dedicated her life toloving him. Fortunately, it was not too late for him to realize all of this.

His previously anxious and suspicious heart had attained unprecedented tranquility because he knewthe woman he adored loved him deeply.

When Lillian was discharged from the hospital, Rosalie and Jonathan were still in the hospital ward.Rosalie’s condition actually permitted her to be discharged, but Jonathan still needed to be hospitalizedfor a while longer. So Rosalie chose to remain in the hospital to take care of him.

Although Carlos had arranged for professional nursing staff to tend to Jonathan, Rosalie still preferredto take care of Jonathan by herself. She would cooperate with the nurses, contributing what she couldto ensure his well-being.

When Lillian came to Rosalie and told her that she was going to find Callum in Jacaster, Rosalieresponded with a sympathetic and understanding expression.

After all, she also heard what Madeline said at that time and knew how deeply Callum was in love withher friend. If Lillian missed out on such a man, it would be a lifelong regret.

Besides, Lillian was now pregnant with Callum’s baby.

“When are you going to Jacaster?” Rosalie asked.

“I’ll leave tomorrow. My parents are afraid that it will be inconvenient for me to go to Jacaster alonesince I’m pregnant, so they plan to accompany me,” Lillian said.

“I don’t think I’ve ever heard of someone chasing after a husband with parents and kids in tow,” Rosaliequipped, hoping to ease the sadness in her friend’s eyes.

Lillian sighed. “I just hope that Callum can forgive me. I really misunderstood him too much.”

“He will. If he really loves you, he will forgive you,” Rosalie said.

Lillian was not so optimistic. She believed that Callum’s deep love for her might make him even moredisheartened in response to the pain she had caused him.

Moreover, she doubted she could warm up a heart that had turned cold.

Nonetheless, she had to meet Callum. There were so many words she needed to say to him. She wasdetermined to fight for her love and happiness.

“Okay, I’m leaving now,” Lillian said. “Rosalie, thank you. Without you, my child and I wouldn’t havesurvived. Seeing that you and Jonathan both survived and reconciled, I am really happy for you.” “Sowill you and Callum,” Rosalie said.

After Lillian left, Rosalie returned to the ward and shared the conversation with Jonathan. “Lillian seemsworried that Callum will not forgive her. She thinks she hurt Callum too much. There was a genuinemisunderstanding between them. Perhaps things wouldn’t have unfolded this way if they had knownthe whole story from the start.”

Now, she felt glad Lillian had not chosen to terminate her pregnancy back then. If Lillian had chosenthat path and later discovered the whole truth, it might have caused even more devastation for her.

“I’m sure Callum will forgive Lillian,” Jonathan said.

“Do you really think so?” Rosalie said hurriedly. Despite her attempts to console Lillian earlier, to befrank, she harbored some lingering doubts within her own heart.

“If a person genuinely loves someone, the so-called unforgiveness is just a mere choice of words. Itdoesn’t reflect their true feelings,” Jonathan reassured.novelbin

Just like him, even in the very moment when she had betrayed him, he had been angry with her, yet hecould not truly let her go.

When he knew that she might be in danger, he was stupefied and felt cold all over as if everything inthe world had become dull. /

At that moment, he realized that it was impossible for him not to forgive her.



It became clear that his supposed unforgiveness was nothing more than words, an unattainablesentiment.

Rosalie was a little embarrassed, knowing that Jonathan had thought of what happened between them:So she said, “Jon, let’s make sure we have no misunderstandings between us in the future!”

Had Madeline not gotten too over herself and exposed the misunderstanding between Lillian andCallum, Lillian would have remained oblivious and might have missed out on Callum forever.

At times, no matter how intense the emotions, they could be shattered by a simple misunderstanding.She did not want to find herself in a situation like that with Jonathan one day. Missing out on their lovedue to a misunderstanding would be utterly unfortunate and absurd.

“Okay,” Jonathan replied. “There must be no misunderstanding between us!”

Stephen, Abigail, and Lillian got on the high-speed train to Jacaster. Lillian was nervous all the way.These days, whenever she closed her eyes, she would think of everything about Callum, be it happy,painful, or sorrowful memories.

The most frequent memory that appeared in her mind was the image of Callum’s eyes that went dull asif he had completely given up on her.

“Well, do not think too much. We will arrive in Jacaster in three hours,” Abigail said. When she saw herdaughter Lillian’s despondent expression, she immediately knew Lillian was thinking about Callumagain. “Let’s eat something first,” Abigail said. She opened the thermal container, which containedsome pastries prepared by her. They were still warm at this time.

Lillian reached for the snacks and took a bite. Even if these once-delicious treats now lost their appealto her, she still tried to consume them.

Now, it was not just her own body she was nourishing. Even when she lacked the appetite, she knewshe had to eat for the child’s well-being, ensuring the little one could grow strong and healthy.

Lillian thought three hours would drag on slowly. Yet, upon their arrival at the train station in Jacaster,she was surprised by how swiftly time had passed.

It was three o’clock in the afternoon. She wondered if she would get the chance to meet Callum.

The inn was reserved prior to their trip. They purposely picked an inn located near the headquartersbuilding of White Maple Group.

When they arrived at the inn, Lillian said, “Dad, Mom, I want to go to White Maple Group and see if Ican meet Callum.”

“We will go with you,” Stephen and Abigail said.

“There is no need. It’s only a few minutes away from the company building. This is between Callum andme. I want to deal with it by myself. If you are nearby, it will be embarrassing,” Lillian said.

After all, she did not want to involve her parents in her personal relationship.

Her parents had given a lot to her.

Abigail had more to say, but Stephen gently tugged his wife’s arm and remarked, “Let our daughtermanage her relationship on her own. She’s old enough and is going to become a mother. There aresome things she needs to face and handle by herself!”


Hearing this, Abigail sighed and finally gave up the idea of going with Lillian.

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