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Chapter 951

Chapter 951

She looked at the face in front of her in a daze until his lips gently rubbed her cheek and fell to her ear.

She heard him saying, “Rosie, I won’t forgive you.”

In an instant, she felt as if she had fallen into an ice cellar, and her blood seemed to have frozen.

Days later, Lillian looked at Rosalie’s haggard face and couldn’t help asking, “What’s wrong? Didsomething happen?”

“I… I did something that hurt Jon,” Rosalie said bitterly.

“Did you quarrel with Jonathan?” Lillian asked hurriedly.

Rosalie smiled bitterly and thought, “Quarrel? If she quarreled, it might be better. Now, I don’t evenknow where Jon is.”

Since that day in the memorial hall, he said he would not forgive her. He left the Youngblood Residenceand didn’t come back that night.

Rosalie then went to his office, the mansion, and even the street where his father had died to look forhim. She never found him.

When she asked Carlos, he just said, “Mr. Youngblood wants to be alone for a while and doesn’t wantto be disturbed.”

She continued questioning him, but Carlos refused to say anything more.

“I’m too self-righteous. I thought if he loved me, he would forgive me.” Rosalie said, “But I will try mybest to make peace with him. Don’t worry.”

Rosalie was afraid that her friend would worry too much about her. After all, resting peacefully was thetop priority for Lillian. Rosalie changed the subject and asked, “By the way, how is the baby doing?”

Lillian finally smiled when Rosaline mentioned the baby in the former’s tummy. “Today, the doctor saidthat the baby is in good condition and my heart rate has returned to normal. Besides, I have dischargedall the medicines in my body, so there

to check the baby’s condition.”

are no more such components in the blood tests. Next, I’ll do a B-scan?

“That’s good.” Finally, there was good news.

“But I didn’t expect that Madeline would try to kill me!” Lillian only felt scared. Prior to that, Rosalie toldLillian how the latter ended up in the hospital. Apparently, it was because Madeline had bribedsomeone from the community hospital and added other ingredients into her progesterone shot, whichled to her heart rate disorder and even endangered the unborn child.

Lillian thought she and Callum were separated, so there would naturally be no more conflict withMadeline. But unexpectedly, Madeline was still eager to go after her.

“I have submitted the information to the police. The police are already looking for Madeline!” Rosaliesaid. However, due to insufficient evidence, the police could only look for Madeline instead of issuing awanted order.

“I don’t know when they can catch Madeline,” Lillian murmured. As long as Madeline was still on theloose, Lillian wouldn’t be at ease.

“Does Callum know what Madeline has done? Did he know the person he slept with wanted me andthe child dead? Perhaps he knows everything. Maybe he is sheltering Madeline so that the police can’t

find her,” Lillian thought.

With that in mind, Lillian felt extremely troubled and pressured.

“I don’t think Callum knows about it.” Rosalie seemed to know what Lillian was thinking at the momentand said, “Madeline should still be in Strico now. If Callum really wanted to help her, someone wouldhave taken the blame for Madeline long ago, and she wouldn’t be hunted by the police.”


Lillian was stunned for a moment and then murmured, “It seems that Callum doesn’t love me orMadeline very much.” Perhaps the favorite thing for a man like him was always his career, which waswhat he wanted to succeed at. Women were just a supplement to his life.

“Lillian, maybe there are other reasons why Madeline went to Callum’s mansion. It might not be whatyou think,” Rosalie said.

“Then what do you think is the reason why a man wants to keep a woman in the mansion for onenight? And more than once.” Lillian said, “If the White family wanted to buy the Tall family’s property,why couldn’t they talk about it during the day? Did they have to spend the night in the mansion? Hence,I don’t think they were talking business.”

Rosalie couldn’t figure out why. Only by asking Callum or Madeline could she know the answer.

After leaving the hospital, Rosalie went to pick up the three children from kindergarten.

The three children were Guillermo, Jennifer, and Felix.

As for Zekiah, although the name on the household registry was changed to Zaid Youngblood, he stilllived in the Burton residence. The little guy was unwilling to go to kindergarten and resisted it very

much, so Rosalie had no choice but to give

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Fortunately, the little guy Zekiah was looking forward to entering elementary school and wanted to go toschool with Karina as soon as possible.

When Rosalie arrived at the kindergarten, the teacher respectfully invited her into the office. ThenRosalie saw that there were obvious injuries on Felix’s face while Jennifer and Guillermo were fine, buttheir hair and clothes were a little messy.


At the sight of Rosalie, Jennifer’s angry face immediately turned into an aggrieved expression.“Mommy, the teacher wronged me!” Jennifer wanted her mother to back her up.

The teacher on the side hurriedly explained that it was because of the fight between the children. Atfirst, only Felix and the other children fought were fighting, and then Jennifer joined. Seeing her sisterfighting, Guillermo joined the fight as well.

Apparently, the parents of those children also told them who Jennifer and Guillermo were. Hence, theydidn’t dare to fight those two. In the end, they took it out on Felix.

Therefore, Felix’s injury seemed to be the worst at that time.

“Why did you fight?” Rosalie asked. After all, in her opinion, Felix was not a child who liked to stirsometimes, she could even say that he was a quiet kid.

up trouble, and

“It was just that the children quarreled with each other for a while, and Felix started to beat them first.The kids were badly injured by him, so their parents went to the hospital.” The teacher was obviouslyputting all the blame on Felix.

Right then, Felix lowered his head and kept silent as if he was acquiescing to everything the teachersaid.

“It was they who said that Felix was the child of a prisoner. They falsely accused Felix for stealing theirtoys. That was why Felix fought them!” Jennifer said indignantly

“They were just talking. Felix’s actions escalated the situation!” The teacher said to Rosalie. “Besides,children like Felix will inevitably be out of place if they stay here in our kindergarten. In fact, I think youshould transfer the child for better development.”

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