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Chapter 947

Chapter 947

This time, Rosalie did not get the driver to drive her. Instead, she took the car and drove away on her


She drove all the way to her destination. When Jonathan’s subordinates saw her, they were obviouslyquite surprised. “Mrs. Youngblood, why are you…”

“I’m here to see my mentor and his wife. Is there a problem?” Rosalie asked.novelbin

“But Mr. Youngblood…”

“If Jon hadn’t told me that Mr. Smuckler and Mrs. Smuckler were here, how could I have found thisplace? Get out of my way!” Rosalie shouted.

Those people naturally knew how important Rosalie was in Jonathan’s heart, so they immediatelystopped talking and stepped aside.

Rosalie entered the shabby condominium and saw Connor sitting on a chair by the bed. He washolding Kaylie’s hand tightly and about to nod off. It was obvious he was extremely sleepy.

As for Kaylie, she was lying on the ragged bed. She had fallen asleep, but she seemed to be indiscomfort. Her face was red, and she was panting heavily. The hair on her forehead was covered witha layer of


Rosalie strode forward and reached out to touch Kaylie’s forchead. She felt the palm of her handburning, but her action had obviously alarmed Connor, who suddenly woke

“Rosalie? W-Why are you here?” Connor stammered.


“It’s a long story. Mr. Smuckler, I will send Mrs. Smuckler to the hospital now,” Rosalie said, “If shedoesn’t go to the hospital now, I’m afraid that her condition will be more and more serious.”

Connor hurriedly asked, “Has Jonathan forgiven Kaylie?”

Rosalie shook her head.

Connor was disappointed. “I’m afraid Kaylie won’t leave here. She said that if Jonathan refused toforgive her, she would not leave even if she died of illness.”

“So, it’s true!” Rosalie realized that her guess was right.

“Mr. Smuckler, do you plan to watch your wife die?” Rosalie asked.

“I… Of course, I don’t want to, but you know how stubborn she can be. Besides, once we leave here,Kaylie might be sent to prison the very next second!” Connor was in a dilemma.

Firstly, Kaylie was reluctant to leave. Secondly, Connor was afraid that his wife would go to prison andspend the rest of her life in prison. Under such contradictions, he could only hope that his wife’s fevercould be cured spontaneously. Or perhaps, Jonathan might forgive Kaylie as soon as possible giventheir kinship.

However, seeing that his wife’s fever was getting out of control, he was also afraid.

Earlier that day, he also persuaded his wife to go to the hospital, but Kaylie said directly, “I… I won’tleave here. If… If you take me to the hospital before Jon forgives me, I… I will never forgive you thislifetime!”

Rosalie frowned and said as if she had made up her mind, “I will send her to the hospital by myself. Ithas nothing to do with you. Just let her hate me!”

As Rosalie said that, she helped Kaylie up from the bed and asked Connor to put Kaylie on her back.Kaylie opened her eyes in a daze and struggled subconsciously. “Who… I… Don’t touch me. I… I’mstaying here. I’m not going anywhere. I’ll wait until my son forgives me… I… I’ll wait for Jonathan…”

“Mrs. Smuckler, it’s me!” Rosalie said, “Jon… He asked me to take you to the hospital!” At this time,she could only lie.

Kaylie stopped struggling immediately. “Has… Has he forgiven me?”

“Mrs. Smuckler, let’s go to the hospital first. You can ask him in person once your fever has subsided,”Rosalie said.

“Okay, okay. I… I’ll ask him myself then!” Kaylie murmured and dozed off again.


08:58 D

Rosalie and Connor looked at each other before walking out of the condominium with Kaylie onRosalie’s back.

However, the moment they stepped out of the condominium, those who were in charge of guardingKaylie stopped them again.

“Mrs. Youngblood, Mr. Smuckler can leave at any time, but Mr. Smuckler’s… Uh, Mrs. Youngblood, Mr.Youngblood didn’t say that she could leave!” exclaimed the other party.

“I’m taking Mrs. Smuckler to the hospital now. Get out of the way!” Rosalie said.

“I’m sorry.” The other party obviously refused to step aside.

Rosalie forged ahead nevertheless.

“Mrs. Youngblood, please don’t make things difficult for us!” the other side said.

“Since you know that I’m the lady of the Youngblood family, then I will bear the responsibility if anythinggoes wrong. I have to take her away now. But if you continue to stop me and something untowardhappens to Mrs. Smuckler, I won’t spare any of you! I will keep my word! Try me!” Rosalie said fiercely.Those people exchanged helpless glances and finally took a step back. They allowed Rosalie andConnor to leave with Kaylie.

As they walked away, one of them hurriedly dialed Jonathan’s phone number. But after a while, he putdown his phone with an unpleasant look on his face.

“What’s the matter? Mr. Youngblood…”

“No one answered the phone,” said that man.

Rosalie got in the car with Connor and Kaylie. She said to Connor, “Mr. Smuckler, I will take both of youout of the city now.”

“What?” Connor was surprised.

“You guys go back to Lofbury first. I’ll take you to the highway exit of Strico, and someone will take youback to Lofbury,” said Rosalie. At least Connor would have his own connections in Lofbury, and it wouldbe much more convenient for them.

“Then, how about Jonathan…”

“I’ll explain everything to Jon. Anyway, I can’t let Mrs. Smuckler continue to be so ill. Besides, even ifJon really calls the police, by then, both of you would have already arrived at Lofbury. Mr. Smuckler,you should be able to try the case in Lofbury,” Rosalie said. That was the best solution she could thinkof.

If Jon insisted that Kaylie had to pay the price and go to jail, at least Connor would have more room todo what he needed in Lofbury!

Hearing that, Connor sighed. Like Rosalie, he knew that going back to Lofbury right now was the bestoption.

“But if you let us go back to Lofbury like this, once Jonathan finds out, then things between the two ofyou will…” Connor said guiltily.

Rosalie gave a comforting smile. “I will try my best to make Jon forgive me. Don’t worry.”

The car headed for the highway exit of Strico. Rosalie knew that she had to hurry up and let Connorand Kaylie leave Strico before Jonathan woke up.

At that moment, it was already 4 a.m. The sky was still dark, and there were barely any cars on theroad, but Rosalie did not dare to relax for a moment.

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