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Chapter 944

Chapter 944

At first, the woman’s family was burdened with a mountain of debt, and she found herself desperateenough to contemplate selling herself in a nightclub. However, someone unexpectedly approached herwith an offer: to become a personal assistant in exchange for a substantial sum of money.

This money not only promised to clear her family’s debts but also secure a prosperous future forherself, far better than making a living in a nightclub.

Naturally, the offer was too tempting to resist, and she started communicating with the intermediary.Initially, she had assumed that the person seeking a personal assistant would be unsightly beyondwords. But to her surprise, the man who appeared was handsome and tall. She later discoveredthrough the internet that this man was Calvin Gunner, a prominent figure in the entertainment industry.Calvin did, indeed, want her to serve as his personal assistant, and she had meticulously reviewed thecontract. Surprisingly, it contained no mention of any unethical dealings or inappropriate requests. Itseemed as though he genuinely required her services as a temporary personal assistant. “Could it bethat… he has truly fallen in love with me?” the woman mused. It felt like a dream for her. Thus, sheadorned herself on purpose, hoping to get closer to this wealthy man.

However, she was greatly disappointed when Calvin regarded her with a cold, discerning gaze, asthough he could see through all the schemes in her heart.

“Don’t ask questions you aren’t supposed to. Just focus on being a good temporary personal assistant,”Calvin declared, his tone frigid.novelbin

The woman’s eyes darted as she lowered her head, carefully concealing her thoughts. “I understand,Mr. Gunner. I won’t ask any further,” she replied.

“Very well, you may leave now. If you require anything else, inform the secretary. I will arrange forsomeone to escort you to the law firm tomorrow,” Calvin instructed.

After the woman left his office, Calvin rubbed his temples.

In the end, he had found a substitute, someone who resembled Rosalie. It was because of theirresemblance that Calvin selected the woman to become his personal assistant.

It seemed like he had been searching for a substitute throughout his life, while his family persistentlyurged him to marry.

Calvin remembered a conversation with his mother, Samantha, who had regarded him as if he weremad when he refused to marry again. “Not getting married? Are you going to remain celibate forRosalie your whole life?”

His reply had been straightforward. “I can’t marry someone I don’t love.”

“Nonsense about love or not. How many arranged marriages lack love? Besides, feelings can developover time,” was Samantha’s response.

A smile crossed his lips as he responded, “If I hadn’t met Rosalie, even if it were a woman I didn’t love,if she were suitable for the Gunner family and didn’t make me hate her, I would have married her. But,Mom, I’ve met Rosalie, and I now know what it means to love someone.”

Given his thoughts, how could hé possibly entrust the remainder of his life to a woman he didn’t love?

Samantha did not press further and broke down in tears upon hearing his words, and Calvin foundhimself unable to offer any words of comfort.

Since losing Rosalie, he had never entertained the thought of marriage.

Calvin took a small silver bracelet from his chest pocket, the only item he had that belonged to Rosalie.He clenched the bracelet tightly, placed his hand over his heart, closed his eyes, and whispered softly,


For him, that name would remain forever.

As it turned out, some missed opportunities could become a lifetime’s regret that one could never makeup for.


08:57 D

Rosalie was taken aback when she received a call from Stephen and Abigail. “What? Lillian is in thehospital undergoing emergency treatment? How did she end up in the emergency room?”

Abigail’s voice was hurried as she explained, “Today, after Lillian received a progesterone shot at thecommunity hospital, she came home and rested. She started feeling unwell and vomited after dinner,and her condition worsened. We rushed her to the hospital, and on the way, she lost consciousness.Right now, the doctors in the emergency room are attending to her, but we’re concerned that thedoctors here may not have the necessary expertise. Can you help us find a more experienced doctor tohelp Lillian? Furthermore, there’s a baby in her stomach!”

Understanding Abigail’s worry, Rosalie swiftly responded, “Of course, I’ll get in touch with a specialistright away. Please tell me which hospital Lillian is at.”

Abigail provided the hospital’s name, and Rosalie grabbed her bag and prepared to head to thehospital. She also called Jonathan, explaining Lillian’s situation to him.

“I see. I’ll have Carlos reach out to relevant experts in the city and have them come to see Lillian,” saidJonathan.

Rosalie said, “Okay, I’ll go to the hospital and check on Lillian first.”

Rosalie couldn’t help but feel that a series of problems were emerging one after another.

As Rosalie arrived at the hospital, Lillian had already left the emergency room and was now lying in abed at the emergency department with an IV drip connected to her hand.

Stephen shared the details, “The doctor couldn’t determine the cause of her condition immediately. Dueto her

pregnancy, some tests are currently off the table. She’s had a blood test and a B-scan.”

Abigail added, “The doctor wants to monitor her for a while. But… both Lillian’s and the baby’sheartbeats are faster than normal, and we’re concerned. H-How long do they need to keep her underobservation?” Worry was etched on Stephen and Abigail’s faces.

Rosalie tried to reassure them. She couldn’t help but glance at her unconscious friend, feeling like shehad been transported back to the time when Lillian was lying in the ICU ward.

Yet, this time, she was determined to do everything she could to protect Lillian.

“I’ve already asked Jonathan to arrange for a specialist. The doctor will consult with Lillian shortly anddetermine what exactly is going on,” Rosalie explained.

Stephen and Abigail visibly relaxed a bit, and the latter emotionally held Rosalie’s hand. “Rosalie, thankyou. Without your help, we wouldn’t know what to do.”

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