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Chapter 935

Chapter 935novelbin

Connor wanted to stop Jonathan, but there were bodyguards around Jonathan. Connor couldn’t getclose to Kaylie at all.

Rosalie also wanted to step forward, but Jonathan still held her hand tightly, and she couldn’t walk over.

“Jon!” Rosalie said hurriedly.

“Don’t beg for her!” Jonathan said in a low voice as if he was warning and begging.

Rosalie got choked up and looked at Jonathan’s eyes, which seemed to be covered with fog. She feltthat something was stuck in her throat, and she couldn’t say anything.

She didn’t know what kind of trauma his mother had left on him, considering his hatred for his mothersurvived his father’s death.

Even the scar on his chest was left by his mother.

Once upon a time, Rosalie had hated Jonathan’s mother for abandoning the man who loved her somuch.

If Kaylie hadn’t left like that, Jonathan would not have had a painful childhood, and his father wouldn’thave chosen death.

However, when Kaylie turned out to be the same woman who had been taking care of her and Jenniferfor years, Rosalie felt conflicted.

Kaylie’s kindness and gentleness were unlike Rosalie’s terrible impression of Jonathan’s mother.

In the past, Kaylie would often say, “We only need enough money to live a good life. What’s mostimportant is that our family is safe and sound.”

Yet, the same woman had been willing to bet everything to join a prominent family and abandoned herfamily after she had failed.

“Just kneel to my father and see if he will forgive you!” Jonathan said coldly.

The two bodyguards were about to press Kaylie’s head on the ground.

“I’ll apologize to Lucian myself!” Kaylie said.

The two bodyguards then looked at Jonathan. Upon seeing that Jonathan didn’t respond, they releasedher arms.

Kaylie began to grovel before the tombstone. The sound of groveling made an especially loud noise inthe cemetery.

“Jonathan, just forgive your mother!” Connor shouted at Jonathan, “She has been living a hard life allthese years! Every day, she regrets leaving you and your father like that. Back then, her feet werebroken, and her face was disfigured. Those were already the punishments she deserved…”

No matter what Connor said, Jonathan was still indifferent. He just watched Kaylie grovel constantly.Upon seeing his wife’s forehead bleed, Connor said to Rosalie anxiously, “Rosie, she is Jonathan’smother, but she is also your close friend. Please, ask her to stop!”

He knew that his wife’s guilt would keep driving her if Jonathan didn’t tell her to stop.

Rosalie was stunned. The next moment, she felt Jonathan’s fingers around her wrist tightening.

“Jonathan…” She lowered her eyes and looked at his hand. She knew that Jonathan would never wanther to plead for his mother.

However, he couldn’t ignore Connor’s request, either.

Without Connor, her life in Strico would have been much harder, and Jennifer would’ve suffered more.Kaylie had helped her a lot, too. When she was busy with work, it was Kaylie who took care of Jennifer.Jon! Please, ask Mrs. Smuckler to stop!: Rosalie finally raised her head and said to Jonathan, “She’sonly discharged from the hospital. Her body can’t handle this. I know you hate her. If you want her toatone for her sins, you can do it in other ways!”

Jonathan slowly turned his head and looked into Rosalie’s eyes. “So, you still want to beg for her,right?” She gritted her teeth and spat out the word “yes.”

“You should know what she did to me and my father!” he continued, looking at her with disappointment.and sadness.

Rosalie felt that his gaze was like an invisible mountain, pressing on her chest heavily and suffocatingher.

“I know. I know everything, but Mr. Smuckler and Mrs. Smuckler are very kind to me. Jon, please let herstop first. Mrs. Smuckler isn’t the same person as she was before,” Rosalie said.

“What if I don’t agree?” Jonathan’s voice became colder and colder. “Shouldn’t the person you love andcare about most be me? Yet, you’re pleading for a woman who almost killed me!”


“You can plead for anyone, but she is the only one that you can’t!” Jonathan swore to never forgiveKaylie the night Lucian died from coldness.

Rosalie looked at Jonathan blankly. Her throat was extremely dry, and every word seemed to be stuckin

her throat.

At that moment, Connor suddenly exclaimed. Rosalie hurriedly looked over and saw Kaylie leaning toone side. After a while, Kaylie struggled to straighten up again and continued to grovel.

Upon seeing that, Connor directly kneeled before Jonathan and said, “Jonathan, please spare yourmother. I’ll atone for her sins!”

With that, Connor also groveled directly.

After seeing that, Rosalie hurriedly shouted, “Don’t do that, Mr. Smuckler!”

However, Connor didn’t stop.

Rosalie was anxious, but she couldn’t do anything. The only thing she could do was…

She fell to her knees in front of Jonathan and said, “Jon, please, stop Mrs. Smuckler. Don’t go anyfurther. If she keeps going on, something bad will really happen!”

Suddenly, Jonathan released his grip on Rosalie. His cold eyes seemed to be stained with sarcasm,while his thin lips curved upward slightly with a touch of melancholy.

“Rosie, back then, you kneeled before me for Calvin and Lillian. Now, you’re kneeling before me againfor your mentor and the woman who hurt me! How can you do that? If you kneel to me for so manypeople, do you really think of me as the most important person in your life?” said Jonathan.

“Jon, I…” Rosalie suddenly felt that maybe she had really done something wrong. Even if she pleadedfor mercy, she shouldn’t do it in that way.

Rosalie thought that maybe kneeling like that would only hurt Jonathan more.

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