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Chapter 932

Chapter 932

Connor chimed in, “We really want to go and pay our respects. We think it’s a little disrespectful to thedeceased if we don’t visit him since we’re here. Why not consider making an exception for us just thisonce?”

Rosalie only felt that Connor’s words were a little far-fetched. After all, they didn’t really need to paytheir respects. However, seeing that they were so eager to do so, Rosalie said, “All right. I’ll talk to Jon.If he agrees, I’ll take you there.”

“Okay,” Connor said.

In the evening, Rosalie talked to Jonathan about this. “My mentors want to go to the cemetery of theYoungblood family to pay their respects to your father. Are you okay with that?”

“Pay their respects?” Jonathan raised his eyebrows slightly. “Who brought it up?”

“Mrs. Smuckler. Mr. Smuckler wants to go, too,” Rosalie said. “I know no outsiders are allowed to enterthere, but they have good intentions.”

Jonathan pursed his thin lips as if he were thinking about something. After a while, he said, “If theyreally want to go, you can take them there.”

“Aren’t you going with me?” Rosalie asked.

“Me?” Jonathan said in a low voice. “I’ll go later.” Tomorrow, the result would come out. By then, hewould know whether Kaylie was his mother or not.

If Kaylie wasn’t, then Jonathan would naturally respond well to their gesture, thank them in person, andsend them away from Strico safely.

If she was, then he would definitely ask her to confess and atone for her sins in front of his father’sgrave.

“Rosie, you won’t betray me no matter what, right?” he asked, wanting to know if she would betray him.just as the woman who had betrayed his father.

“Why are you asking such a question again?” She smiled, aware of his sensitivity and suspicion. Heronly desire was to provide him with a greater sense of security.

During this time, she noticed his apparent unease. However, there were moments when she observedhim carrying on as usual, leading her to question if it was merely her imagination.

“Jon, I won’t betray you. I’ve said this before, and it’ll be the same answer no matter how many timesyou ask in the future.” Rosalie held Jonathan’s face, stood on tiptoe, and kissed his lips.

The warm kiss seemed to prove Rosalie’s words. Jonathan’s body stiffened, and then he relaxed. Heopened his lips and accepted her kiss.

Jonathan knew that Rosalie was not his mother. She wouldn’t betray him, and he had always known it.Even at this moment, his mind was filled with pictures that shouldn’t have been there. He told himselfnot to think about it.

“Rosie, I love you. You’re the person I love the most in this world,” Jonathan said after the kiss.

Likewise, the one person in the world Jonathan couldn’t stand to betray was Rosalie.

Three DNA reports were placed in front of Jonathan. Carlos lowered his head and didn’t dare to look atJonathan’s reaction.

Jonathan’s biological mother was indeed Kaylie, the wife of Rosalie’s mentor. He was unsure whetherto comment on the smallness of the world or not. Jonathan, with his sharp acumen, had delved into

Kaylie’s past and directly confirmed her identity through DNA testing of blood samples.

“You can go out first,” Jonathan said coldly. There was almost no emotion on his expressionless face atthat moment.

“Understood.” Carlos hurried out of the office.”

Jonathan picked up these three DNA reports and looked through the final results. All three copies hadthe same result.

This proved that Kaylie was the woman he was looking for.

Kaylie was the woman Jonathan hated for so many years.


“Hahaha…” Jonathan’s cold laughter suddenly sounded in the office. Jonathan’s eyes gradually turnedred. Jonathan had been looking for his mother for so long, only for Kaylie to appear before him in thisunexpected manner. He had even been grateful to Kaylie for looking after Rosalie and Jennifer.

Lucian loved Kaylie so much that after losing her, Lucian preferred to end his life. Kaylie, on the otherhand, had another man and lived a happy and healthy life.

“How dare Kaylie show up in front of me? She even asked my children to call her Grandma. How couldshe? If Dad were to discover that the woman he cherished had wed another man and was leading atranquil life, what would his reaction be?” Jonathan wondered.

“Dad… That’s the woman you loved… That’s the woman who killed you… Haha… Haha… Dad, don’t

I will never let Kaylie go. I’m going to make her pay for everything she’s done for the rest of her

worry. life

Rosalie stayed in the hospital with Connor and Kaylie for most of the day. She didn’t return to theYoungblood residence until about three in the afternoon, and Gary told her that Jonathan had comeback early that day.

Rosalie was a little surprised. After all, Jonathan rarely came home early.

“Where is Jon now?”

“He went to the memorial hall as soon as he came back,” Gary said.

“Memorial hall?” Rosalie frowned, then turned around and walked directly to the memorial hall.novelbin

When Rosalie arrived at the memorial hall, the hall was silent.

Rosalie walked into the memorial hall and saw Jonathan standing in front of Lucian’s photo like astatue. Even though at this moment all Rosalie could see was Jonathan’s back, she could tell he waslonely. Jonathan’s presence radiated a sense of loneliness as if he was the sole individual existing atthat moment. This feeling was just like how Rosalie felt when she first met Jonathan.

Suddenly, Rosalie’s heart ached. She wondered, “What is wrong with Jon? Why is he feeling so lonelyagain? I’m right by his side.”

“Jon!” Rosalie called Jonathan’s nickname.

Jonathan’s body suddenly trembled, and then he slowly turned around. He looked at Rosalie with hisdeep eyes.

Rosalie felt as if her heart had been beaten hard by something.

Jonathan’s eyes were misty and red, and his face was expressionless. Rosalie had a feeling thatJonathan was about to cry.

Rosalie hurried forward and asked, “Jon, what’s wrong? What happened?”

Jonathan fixed his eyes on Rosalie’s face. Then the next moment, he suddenly hugged her hard andsaid, “I’m the person you love the most and you’ll always stand by me, right?”

Jonathan hugged Rosalie so hard that she almost couldn’t breathe and she could feel his bodytrembling.

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