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Chapter 904

Chapter 904

Jonathan gently pursed his lips. “If he has truly let go, he wouldn’t talk about the next life with you.”“Isn’t that just seeking comfort?” Rosalie replied. “Who knows if there really is a next life?”

“If there is, would you be willing to give him a chance in the next life, to be with him?” he asked. “Areyou jealous?” she teased.

“Yes, I am,” he said, his expression deadly serious.

Rosalie was taken aback, her serious expression softening. “If there really is a next life, then I hope, inthe next life, I still meet you. I am not the person Calvin is destined to be with. He will surely meet awoman who truly deserves his love, and who will love him back!”

Jonathan’s eyelashes trembled slightly. He lifted his hand and embraced her, gently rubbing her cheekagainst his. “Then in the next life, I will definitely meet you early and protect you with everything I have,ensuring you won’t suffer any pain.”

His gentle voice flowed like a warm stream, melting her heart. Rosalie smiled sweetly. “Okay.”

If there really was a next life, she hoped that in that life, they could meet earlier, with fewer obstacles,and more happiness.

Rosalie’s surgery was scheduled for nine in the morning the next day.

Levi would be operating, assisted by two experts from Strico. Outside the operating room, a team ofexperts was present to observe and analyze the procedure through live footage.

Three contingency plans were prepared, aiming for a flawless operation.

Lillian and Amelia also came to the hospital.

Amelia looked at Rosalie and said, “You didn’t tell me about this major event. If I hadn’t talked withLillian, I wouldn’t have known you were going into surgery.”

Rosalie said, “I was afraid you’d worry. I wanted to wait until the surgery was successful to tell you.What about the concession stand? How is it being managed today?”

“My mom is taking care of it; everything is fine,” Amelia replied. “But I heard from Lillian that Zeki is thechild you lost. What a coincidence!”

“Yes, it’s really a coincidence.” When Lillian mentioned her son Zekiah, a hint of joy appeared onRosalie’s face. After the surgery, Rosalie longed to see Zekiah, to hold him close.

She owed him too much.

Time flew, and it was soon nine in the morning. Rosalie seemed calm, but Jonathan appeared nervous.“Jon, it’s just a surgery. Don’t worry. Moreover, there are so many experts here!” Rosalie comforted.“Yes, there are many experts. Your hand will definitely be fine,” Jonathan said.

“Even if the surgery fails, it’s okay. With advanced technology, there are other solutions. Besides, evenwithout my hand, I can do many other things,” she said.

“Don’t say such ominous things. Your hand… will be fine!” Jonathan said. He was not a superstitiousperson, but now, he was afraid her words might come true.

The more he cared about her, the more cautious he became.

The time for surgery arrived, and Rosalie was wheeled into the operating room. Lillian, Amelia, andJonathan waited outside.

Carlos, who was with Jonathan, spoke to Lillian and Amelia. “The surgery will take a while. You can goback and wait. I will inform you once there’s a result.”

“No, I’ll stay in the hospital and wait for her. I want to see her come out of the operating room safely,”Lillian said. Moreover, even if she went home now, she wouldn’t be able to sit still.

“I’ll stay too. I came today to accompany her through the surgery,” Amelia added.

Carlos looked at Jonathan, who said to Lillian and Amelia, “If you need anything, just tell Carlos. He willassist you.”



Having said that, Jonathan sat alone on a bench in front of the operating room, his head slightlylowered. He sat quietly, waiting for the surgery’s outcome.

Seeing Jonathan like this, Amelia felt happy for Rosalie. She had found the right person. Despite theseparation, and even though Jonathan had once forgotten about Rosalie, the one he loved had alwaysnovelbin

been her.

Finding true love in one’s lifetime was a rare thing.

As for Amelia, she thought about herself and Warren. Their love had eroded amidst misunderstandingsand mistakes.

She once believed that not loving Warren would be difficult.

However, later, she realized that not loving someone was not that hard after all.

Even with Warren’s liver inside her body, she could let go of her resentment and forgive him, but shewould never love him again.

Since their last confrontation near the concession stand, Warren’s car hadn’t been seen around thearea. In fact, not seeing each other was probably the best ending for them.

At that moment, a retching sound suddenly came from beside Amelia. She saw Lillian covering hermouth and hurriedly rushing toward the restroom.

Frowning slightly, Amelia stood up and followed her.

Lillian was vomiting in the restroom, and it took her a while before she finally stopped. She was gaspingfor air as she walked out of the cubicle.

As she emerged, she ran into Amelia.

Lillian walked to the sink, rinsed her mouth, and wiped her lips with a tissue.

“Are you alright?” Amelia asked, her eyes filled with concern.

Lillian smiled self-deprecatingly, shaking her head. “I’m fine.”

“What’s going on…” Amelia hesitated with her words.

“I’m pregnant,” Lillian confessed bluntly.

Amelia was surprised, despite her earlier suspicion from hearing Lillian vomiting for so long. However,hearing it confirmed still shocked her.

“Is it Callum’s child?” she asked.

Lillian’s shoulders drooped. “Is it that easy to guess? I thought it would be hard for anyone to figure it


“Callum is the only person you’ve ever truly loved, right? Besides, you met him again recently, so it isn’ttoo hard to guess,” Amelia said.

What she didn’t say was, given Lillian’s personality, if she were impregnated by a man she didn’t love,she would have taken legal action against him a long time ago.

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