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Chapter 901

Chapter 901

“Anyone with a bit of common sense would have been able to tell that you are pregnant by looking atthe report. Unless the doctor you consulted doesn’t even have that bit of a good sense,” Callum saidwith a


Lillian clenched her teeth and kept silent for a while before saying, “Whether I’m pregnant or not, it isstill none of your business.”

“You are carrying my child. Please explain to me how this is none of my business?” Callum snapped.“Maybe because the baby might, not be yours?” Lillian responded instinctively, without even realizingwhat that might imply.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the private room turned tense. Callum’s eyes darkened, and he saidthrough gritted teeth, “So, whose baby is it then? Is it Jerick’s?

Lillian felt as if an invisible hand was choking her, making her unable to say a word at that moment.Callum’s gaze made her feel a sense of danger. She felt that if she really said yes to that question,Jerick would be in hot water.

“N-No, it’s not Jerick’s,” Lillian stammered stiffly after some time.

Callum’s heart throbbed when he saw her pale face and trembling body. He thought, “What’s wrongwith me? I almost lost my temper with her just now. I was ecstatic when I found out that she waspregnant. I lost my temper because she was trying to deny it was my baby.” When Callum heard thedenial, his heart, which had soared after seeing the report, felt like it had been doused with cold water.

“You couldn’t eat this food just now, right? Then I’ll ask someone to take these back and bring yousome that are more suitable for pregnant women,” Callum said, taking the initiative to change the topic.Then he called the waiter over and ordered a different set of dishes.

“Is there anything particular you want to eat?” Callum asked again as he ordered for Lillian.

“I-I don’t have any appetite. You don’t need to order anything for me,” Lillian said.

However, Callum ignored her and ordered several dishes. But this time, all of them were mildlyflavored.

Lillian lowered her head and started taking small bites out of the food. Fortunately, she didn’t feel likethrowing up the food that she was eating now.

Callum was still holding on to the report and staring intently at Lillian.

He thought, ‘She is carrying my baby, our flesh and blood. There is a tiny new life growing in her belly


In the past, I had been filled with expectations of bringing a baby into our lives. But it was just that, atthat time, there were too many worrying things in the White family. So, I had been stuck in a dilemma-wanting Lillian to get pregnant yet afraid she would actually get pregnant. And when she had beeninjured grievously, I had actually been grateful that she wasn’t

pregnant. Otherwise, I can’t imagine how heartbroken she would have been if she had lost our childbecause of her injury.’

Although Lillian had her head lowered, she could still feel Callum’s stare on her throughout the meal. Itmade her feel like she was some circus animal.

“I have never intended for Callum to know about my pregnancy from the beginning. Unfortunately, fatedecided to intervene, so now I can only resolve myself to it. As for Callum… I wonder what is his standon this issue?” Lillian pondered.

Lillian was filled with uncertainty. Finally, when she couldn’t keep it to herself anymore, she lifted herhead and said to Callum, “C-Can you return my report…”

She had to stop before she could finish her words because the eyes of the man sitting opposite herwere red. There were unshed tears in his deep, dark eyes that looked as if they would start streamingdown his face any moment now.

She thought, I never realized a man could look so captivating, even with unshed tears glistening in his




I don’t think I can look away from him.'”novelbin

Callum was embarrassed when he realized Lillian had lifted her head and was looking at him. Helooked. away from her and raised his hand to wipe his face. When he turned toward Lillian again, therewere no signs of tears in his eyes.

“The report will stay with me for now,” said Callum calmly.

Lillian was stunned before she came to her senses and asked, “Who do you think you are to be doingthat?”

“Are you forgetting the fact that I’m the father of the baby you are carrying?” Callum drawled.

Her breath hitched when she heard that. “I really don’t know how to respond to that,” Lillian thought.And what he said next made her furious. “This is evidence so that you won’t renounce my rights as thefather in the future!”

“I-I have never reneged on any of our dealings before this,” Lillian fumed.

“You came to have dinner with me just so that you can back out of paying for the damage you did to mycar, right?” Callum teased.

“I-I wasn’t going to back out of that. At most, I just wanted to persuade you to set a lower price whenyou asked me to pay for the damages,” Lillian stammered, trying to refute his claims.

“So, you had no plans to renege on paying for the car damage, then?” Callum asked.

“Of course!” Lillian blurted out.

“So you will take responsibility for me too, then?” Callum asked. His thin lips parted slightly as his pitch-black eyes stared fixedly at her.

It was an unforgettable look that made Lillian remember all the things they had shared between them.Lillian felt like she had been tricked into falling into Callum’s trap by his clever way of rationalizingthings. She smiled awkwardly before swiftly lowering her head and continuing to eat.

A trace of disappointment flashed in Callum’s eyes.

He thought, ‘Why… does she still not want to be with me? Even though she is pregnant with my childnow, she is still trying to resist me.

As of now, the curse has not been completely removed from my body yet. When I have beencompletely detoxified, and there are no more obstacles or dangers between us… I will tell her


By the time they were done with the meal, Lillian felt like she had been through hell and back.

“I’ll drive you home,” Callum said. “Later, I will ask the driver to pick up your car and park it at yourhouse.”

“But… what about the payment for damages to the car?” Lillian asked worriedly. She hadn’t forgottenthe ultimate goal of having this meal with him.

He glanced at her eyes, which were filled with anxiety, and asked, “When is your next prenatalexamination?”

“What?” She was stunned by his question. “What is he asking me about this now? What the heck doesit have to do with his car damages?” Lillian wondered.

“In two weeks,” she mumbled.

“All right. I’ll go with you then,” Callum said.

“What?” Lillian thought in shock. “Y-You want to accompany me for the doctor’s appointment?” shestammered.

“Is there a problem?” Callum asked indifferently.

“Of course, there is a problem! It is a major issue, all right! If he accompanies me to the prenatalexamination, everyone will know I’m pregnant and carrying his child!” Lillian lamented inwardly. “I cango to the prenatal examination myself. You don’t have to bother yourself with it,” Lillian said, smilingawkwardly before reminding him again. “About the payment for the car damages…”

“I’ll accompany you to the prenatal examination in two weeks, and then we can talk about the paymentfor the car damages,” Callum said.

Lillian couldn’t help howling in her heart. She wondered, “Why wait another two weeks to settle this?But the bigger problem is… Callum wants to accompany me to the prenatal examination!”

Lillian got into Callum’s car with a bitter face.

The car arrived at the entrance to Lillian’s residential area. She opened the door and was about to getoff when Callum suddenly reached out his hand and grabbed her wrist.

“What are you…” Lillian asked, looking at him in surprise.

“Lillian, do you think fate is trying to pull us back together?” Callum asked with a slight smile. His facewas pale again, but his eyes seemed to shine as bright as the stars in the sky.

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