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Chapter 877

Chapter 877

Lillian’s heart trembled, thinking she was about to be enchanted by Callum’s voice. His embrace wasso tight, even trembling slightly.

“If you don’t let go of me, I’ll hit you!” She bit her lips and said threateningly.

He chuckled and looked up. Suddenly, the handsome face was right up close to her. “If you really wantto hit me, just do it.”

Lillian froze and looked blankly at the face that was so close to her. She could slap him just by raisingher hand, but it felt like she could not.

The feeling when she slapped him once in the face seemed to linger in her palm. “Lillian, do you knowhow much pain I need to endure to hold you like this?” Callum asked as the humor on his facedisappeared, leaving only a solemn expression.

Only then did she realize that his face had turned pale, and his forehead was covered with a thin layerof sweat.

“A-Are you okay?” she asked.

Instead of answering her question, he said, “I’m not afraid to endure pain. I’m only scared of not beingable to be with you for the rest of my life. D-Do you understand?”

Lillian took a deep breath and said solemnly, “If what you fear most in your life is not being able to bewith me, you wouldn’t have broken up with me in the first place. Callum, what you fear most is losingthe wealth and power that you worked so hard to get.”

His eyes darkened as his face paled even more. “How can I protect you without wealth and power?Lillian, you don’t understand how important these things are!” Without them, Callum would only be apushover anyone could bully. He would not even be able to protect himself, let alone protect Lillian.

Lillian smiled bitterly. “Protect me? So you broke up with me to protect me when I was seriously ill inthe hospital?”

“I…” he started to say, but was quickly interrupted by her.

“If this breakup is supposed to protect me, I’d rather you’ve never protected me! If love needs to beprotected by power and wealth, then it’s too fragile of a love!” She was not afraid of death, but she wasafraid of being abandoned arbitrarily after falling in love.

“Lillian, you don’t understand!” Callum replied.

Lillian said, “Yeah, I don’t understand you. But you don’t understand me either, Callum. I’ve alreadydelivered the clothes. You don’t have to give me back my clothes. Just throw them away. They’re notexpensive anyway. As for the future…”



She paused and gazed at him. “You’re the chairman of White Maple Group now. Your status in theWhite family is no longer threatened. You can find another suitable woman instead of sticking to anordinary person like me. As for me, I’ll also find someone who can live a peaceful life with me…”

“Stop!” Callum suddenly raised his hand and covered Lillian’s mouth. His defined hand trembled.“Lillian, I told you to give me time. I’ll prove that my feelings for you have never changed. I did all thisjust to be with you!”

Lillian pulled Calvin’s hand down. “But I can’t afford to give you time. Callum, I don’t want to be with youanymore.”

After saying that, she pushed him away with all her might, stood left the office.


and quickly

Callum sat on the couch with his hands trembling and teeth clenched, trying hard to suppress the painin his body.

It was a curse.

It was another price that he had to pay for asking Madeline to save Lillian. He did not know whereMadeline got it, but Madeline made him swallow an insect he had never seen after it fed on Lillian’sblood.

“Callum, this is a curse. It’s extremely sensitive to the smell of the blood owner. From now on, it willmake your body extremely painful whenever you have any physical contact with Lillian. Therefore, youcan never be with Lillian!”

Madeline told Callum.

He thought he would never have the chance to be with Lillian. He thought all he could do was punishthose who had hurt her before and make them pay the price. Later, he found out he did not have to bestuck with a curse forever. It turned out that he could remove it from his body.

It was just that the curse was little known. Few people knew about it, let alone finding someone toremove it.

Therefore, he could only plot a plan against Madeline so she could remove the


Once the curse left his body, he would stop feeling pain for touching her and be with her.

She would not know how painful it was for him to share a car with her that night. Every hug and kissgave him pain. They were like constant reminders not to approach or touch her.

However, he would rather bear the pain to be with her.

Even if the pain was excruciating, he endured it willingly.

When he hugged her earlier, it hurt again, but he told himself repeatedly that this was the last time hehad to endure the pain. After removing the curse, there would be no more pain.


He could hug her as much as he used to and never leave her.

“Lillian…” Callum looked down at his trembling hands. “I just want you to give me a little more time.Just… a little more time…”

After checking out potential offices for her law firm in the afternoon, Rosalie went to Youngblood Groupsince it was still early.novelbin

Carlos was stunned to see Rosalie. “Mr. Youngblood… isn’t at the company right


“Is he out for work? I’ll wait for him in his office, then,” Rosalie replied and headed toward Jonathan’soffice without noticing Carlos’ hesitant gaze.

The empty office also looked extraordinarily spacious.

Rosalie walked to Jonathan’s desk. She only glanced at it casually but accidentally saw a photo.Rosalie took out the photo.

It was a middle-aged foreign man in his 40s. If he were an ordinary foreign man, Rosalie would notknow him, but she knew this foreign man.

It was Dr. Giuseppe, an internationally renowned expert on memory therapy who had treated manypatients with amnesia.

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