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Chapter 838

Chapter 838

“So what can we do to get even? Do you want me to sleep with you? Or do you want me to accompanyyou in an imaginary relationship?” Lillian said sarcastically. “You can have any type of woman you want,so why do you have to behave like you only want me? In fact, it’s not like you only want me. If it werethe case, we wouldn’t have broken up back then.” “What am I even to you in your eyes?” Callum staredat her and asked. Lillian met his gaze. “A man I once loved. But in the future, I will never love youagain. I could get hurt once but could not stand it the second time. You’re a man with a great ambition.You want your career and power, but I just want to keep my husband and children safe and live apeaceful life like an ordinary citizen.”

Both Lillian and Callum grew up in completely different environments, so ever since the beginning, theywere destined to have no future together.

Upon hearing it, Callum stood up slowly and retreated step by step. -The moonlight shone on himthrough the window.

His face was half-illuminated and half-shrouded in the moonlight.

“You’re right. What kind of woman do I even lack? Why does it have to be only you?” Callum droopedhis eyes lightly, and the corners of his lips slowly curved upward.

Five years had passed, and the five-year plotting finally pushed the Tall family to the edge. Yet, in thesefive years, Callum was also wiped away from Lillian’s heart little by little.

The man curved his lips. It was a smile, but Lillian felt that his smile seemed like he was crying.

Lillian felt pain in her heart.

“Stop! Stop feeling any pain for this man anymore. Didn’t I already decide to let go of him completely?Then, I can’t let my emotions be influenced by him anymore,” Lillian told herself in her mind, but shecould not move her eyes away from the man’s face, and the pain in her heart was still there.

Callum did not give Lillian another glance anymore and walked out of the room silently.

When the room was left with Lillian alone, she finally let go of all the

strength she had pretended to show just now. The vulnerability and pain on her face were what Callumhad never seen before.

The next day, the three family members of the Quinn family were told that they could return to theiroriginal residence at any time if they wished to.

Lillian was stunned and thought, “We can finally go back?” This was what she hoped for, but when shewas told that she could return for real, her heart seemed to be filled with an emotion that even shecould not explain well herself.

Leaving here and returning to her home meant that the issue was over, and she would have nothing todo with Callum anymore.

She thought, “I had refused him like that last night. Wasn’t that what I asked for?”

“Ms. Quinn, are you going back today?” the bodyguard asked.

After the three family members of the Quinn family discussed for a while, Lillian finally answered, “Yes,we’ll be going back today.”

“Noted. I’ll arrange a car to send you back later,” the bodyguard replied. After packing up and waitingfor about an hour, the three rode in a black car to the residential area where the Quinn residence waslocated.

Behind the black car, another car was following behind.

Callum drove behind the black car and followed it all the way. When the car in front stopped at theentrance of the residential area, Callum parked his car in the shadowy area across the road, watchingLillian and her parents come out of the car and walk into the residential area!novelbin

That figure was his deepest yearning.

Callum could have any kind of woman he wanted, but Lillian did not understand that the man onlywanted her.

He only wanted Lillian because he only loved her, and all his feelings had already been given to her, soit was impossible for him to seek another


Although it was an expedient measure to abandon Lillian back then, Callum never thought about thefuture.

It was because he did not know if he would have a future. He also had no clue whether he could takeback everything from the White family and defeat the Tall family.


Everything was like walking on thin ice for him. At that time, he could not even secretly give her apromise.

In the past five years, Callum had only secretly asked someone to keep an eye on Lillian to learn abouther daily activities but did not dare to show up himself before her. What he could do was just put upwith it.

However, what he wanted had already been obtained in the present, but Lillian’s heart was no longeron him.

At that thought, Callum could not help the urge to raise a self-deprecating and bitter smile on his lips.

He found the situation truly ridiculous. He could do everything for Lillian, but in the end, his efforts wereall in vain. Or perhaps the fact that she was still alive now was already the greatest blessing to him, sothere was nothing else he could ask for.

Callum stayed quietly in the car. Even until Lillian’s figure had completely disappeared from his sight,he still looked in that direction. After an unknown period of time, Callum’s phone rang. He answered thecall and heard the caller on the other end of the phone say, “Mr. White, Ms. Tall has left Strico today,and we’ve also informed the media so that no one from the news media will disturb Ms. Quinn in thefuture.”

“Good. Continue to keep an eye on the Tall family, and see who will give them a hand,” Callum saidcoldly.

“Understood,” the subordinate responded and ended the call.

Callum put away his phone and thought, “The Tall family… Even if I can give them a way out now aspromised, it would just make bad things happen gradually without me noticing.”

In the end, the only fate he wanted the Tall family to have was destruction.

As time went by, Callum did not know how long he had been staying outside the residential area untilanother car drove into the place, which made Callum’s gaze suddenly turn cold.

That was Jerick’s car.

He had seen the man’s car before, so he naturally remembered the license plate.

Callum thought, “Jerick came to find Lillian! That man and Lillian…” Thinking of the scene where hesaw Lillian together with Jerick before, a burst of jealousy surged in his chest, causing him to almost beout of




Callum opened the car door and got out of his car.

He walked step by step into the residential area and arrived at the unit building where Lillian’s homewas located.

In the past, he had been there many times. He went to Lillian’s home, chatted with her parents, andthen had dinner together.

In Lillian’s home, Callum felt the warmth of an ordinary household for the first time. Even if the materialconditions were not so good, the family was joyful. They did not have to scheme against each other, letalone read others’ expressions and speculate on each other’s minds. He wondered if his role back thenhad been replaced by Jerick.

That man would replace his existence and be together with Lillian. In the future, he would even marryLillian and have children with her.

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